feedingamerica / freshtrak-public

FreshTrak public access created with Can't Stop Columbus March 2020
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Registration Page - New User - Required Screen #3

Open karengreene opened 4 years ago

karengreene commented 4 years ago

As a person in need, I want a way to register for services so that I can pick up the food/supplies customized to my families needs.

Screen Summary

User will be able to enter registration information. Registration will have the following data for the user to enter:

  1. Basic Information - main contact, address, phone, etc.
  2. Household Information - see issue #39
  3. License Plates - see issue #39

Screen Details

User will be able to enter registration information. These elements are listed in the file below. * Note that the following items are NOT on the wireframes, but need to be added to the UI:

Note that there are items on the wire frames that are out of scope for this story. See the Wireframes section for details.



Out of Scope

The wire frames show elements that are NOT in scope for this story and will be done at some later time. I don't have edit privileges for these wire frames, so I listed these below:


Wire Frame Links

Wireframes in a mobile-experience view: https://www.figma.com/proto/R15ILgPqHRLhakIX9qIqQR/MOFC-MVP?node-id=237%3A828&scaling=scale-down

Wireframes in an Expanded Design View: https://www.figma.com/file/R15ILgPqHRLhakIX9qIqQR/MOFC-MVP?node-id=244%3A3009

Acceptance Criteria

AC - Test that account can be created when entering only basic information Given that user clicks 'create account' And enters all required basic information in spreadsheet When user clicks on 'continue' And user clicks through 'skip' on optional screens Then account is created and account registered message is displayed

AC - Basic Information - Test that user gets error if required data is missing Given that user is entering basic information When any required data is missing Then user will get "required information missing message" And user will get prompted to populate required data

AC - Test email permission box Given that user enters email When user clicks 'Continue' at bottom of screen Then user is prompted to ask for permission to receive email

AC - Test text permission box Given that user enters phone number When user clicks 'Continue' at bottom of screen Then user is prompted to ask for permission to receive text messages

karengreene commented 4 years ago

Update to include additional gender

karengreene commented 4 years ago

Need to update pantry list results to show "register button". In the wire frame, there is sometimes a "reserve" button and sometimes a "register" button. I assume that the "reserve" button is shown when the pantry takes appts and "register" when pantry is a walkin?

for the register button on in the pantry list, should that button be shown if the person has already registered for an account?