feediron / feediron-recipes

Recipes for the TT-RSS Plugin Feediron
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Fix the heise.de recipe and make Bilderstrecken show the first image. #5

Closed uqs closed 4 years ago

uqs commented 4 years ago

Turns out, the feed always has something after the .html url, so the match didn't always stick. This now should force ?seite=all more consistently.

Also, drop the tags which would hide the tags within from being displayed, especially on the Android app.

Unlike the arstechnica hack, this does not show all images, but at least the first one plus caption is visible and the user can decide to open the full article in the browser or not.

Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting a pull request. YOU MAY DELETE UNUSED SECTIONS.

Recipe Submission

Website: heise.de

dugite-code commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your contribution