feelfreelinux / octo4a

Use your old Android device as an OctoPrint server.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.5k stars 139 forks source link

Octo4a random crashes (usb bug?) #450

Open Karabacak021 opened 8 months ago

Karabacak021 commented 8 months ago


The errors start at the end of the installation. After installing the dependencies, the graphical interface of the app closes, but does not crash. When I open it again, it immediately throws me to the interface where it already writes the IP and the rest. At this point the web interface is already available and the main problem starts. For about 1 minute everything works perfectly, the printer sends temperatures, sd contents, everything. And I can control the printer with the arrow keys. After that, the Octo4a application crashes and in the octoprint interface I get the message: octo4a "SerialException: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)" The Octo4a serial device disappears from the octoprint interface, which cannot be manually re-entered. Reopening Octo4a does not help, it also writes the IP address incorrectly. Only when I "Force Close" the application or restart the device it starts working again. Then it works again for about 1 minute.

A minor problem is that the app crashes after every camera setting change, but it saves the setting and the tests work, but if I press on the camera in octoprint the octo4a app crashes immediately.

Logcat for installation bug

> [10-30 17:24:23.362 1764:1840 D/ ] > Successfully installed Babel-2.12.1 Click-8.1.7 Flask-Assets-2.1.0 Flask-Babel-3.1.0 Flask-Limiter-3.5.0 Flask-Login-0.6.3 Jinja2-3.1.2 MarkupSafe-2.1.3 OctoPrint-1.9.3 OctoPrint-FileCheck-2021.2.23 OctoPrint-FirmwareCheck-2021.10.11 OctoPrint-PiSupport-2023.10.10 PyYAML-6.0.1 async-timeout-4.0.3 blinker-1.6.3 cachelib-0.10.2 certifi-2023.7.22 charset-normalizer-3.3.1 class-doc-0.2.6 colorlog-6.7.0 deprecated-1.2.14 emoji-2.8.0 feedparser-6.0.10 filetype-1.2.0 flask-2.2.5 frozendict-2.3.8 future-0.18.3 idna-3.4 ifaddr-0.2.0 importlib-resources-6.1.0 itsdangerous-2.1.2 limits-3.6.0 markdown-3.5 markdown-it-py-3.0.0 mdurl-0.1.2 more-itertools-10.1.0 netaddr-0.8.0 ordered-set-4.1.0 passlib-1.7.4 pathvalidate-2.5.2 pkginfo-1.9.6 pydantic-1.10.12 pygments-2.16.1 pylru-1.2.1 pyserial-3.5 pytz-2023.3.post1 requests-2.31.0 rich-13.6.0 sarge-0.1.7.post1 semantic-version-2.10.0 sentry-sdk-1.32.0 sgmllib3k-1.0.0 tornado-6.3.3 typing-extensions-4.8.0 unidecode-1.3.7 urllib3-2.0.7 watchdog-2.3.1 webassets-2.0 websocket-client-1.6.4 werkzeug-2.2.3 wheel-0.41.3 wrapt-1.15.0 zeroconf-0.39.4 zipstream-ng-1.7.1 > > [10-30 17:24:23.372 1764:1840 D/ ] > WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv > > [10-30 17:24:24.372 1764:1764 I/Choreographer] > Skipped 39 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. > > [10-30 17:24:24.902 1764:1764 I/Choreographer] > Skipped 31 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. > > [10-30 17:24:37.102 505:522 I/ActivityManager] > Process com.octo4a (pid 1764) has died. > > [10-30 17:24:37.102 505:793 I/WindowState] > WIN DEATH: Window{64dcb930 u0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.InstallationActivity} > > [10-30 17:24:37.102 505:522 W/ActivityManager] > Force removing ActivityRecord{64c37ed0 u0 com.octo4a/.ui.InstallationActivity t4}: app died, no saved state > > [10-30 17:24:37.102 505:542 W/InputDispatcher] > channel '6505b0c0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.InstallationActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 > > [10-30 17:24:37.102 505:542 E/InputDispatcher] > channel '6505b0c0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.InstallationActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! > > [10-30 17:24:37.102 115:115 I/art] > Process 1764 terminated by signal (15) > > [10-30 17:24:37.112 505:907 I/WindowState] > WIN DEATH: Window{6505b0c0 u0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.InstallationActivity} > > [10-30 17:24:37.112 505:907 W/InputDispatcher] > Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '6505b0c0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.InstallationActivity (server)' > > [10-30 17:24:37.262 505:808 W/InputMethodManagerService] > Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 1764 uid 10061 > > [10-30 17:24:37.262 505:526 W/WindowManager] > Rebuild removed 6 windows but added 5 > java.lang.RuntimeException: here > at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.rebuildAppWindowListLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8116) > at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.rebuildAppWindowListLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8052) > at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.handleAppTransitionReadyLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8535) > at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedInner(WindowManagerService.java:9298) > at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLockedLoop(WindowManagerService.java:8268) > at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked(WindowManagerService.java:8210) > at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.access$300(WindowManagerService.java:158) > at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$H.handleMessage(WindowManagerService.java:7244) > at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) > at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136) > at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61) > > [10-30 17:24:37.262 505:526 W/WindowManager] > This window was lost: Window{6505b0c0 u0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.InstallationActivity EXITING} > > [10-30 17:24:37.262 695:712 W/Binder] > Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation. > java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSession android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodSessionWrapper.getInternalInputMethodSession()' on a null object reference > at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.setSessionEnabled(IInputMethodWrapper.java:280) > at com.android.internal.view.IInputMethod$Stub.onTransact(IInputMethod.java:129) > at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:404) > > [10-30 17:24:37.272 505:526 W/WindowManager] > mDisplayId=0 mSession=Session{652ed868 1764:u0a10061} mClient=android.os.BinderProxy@6502f2b0 > mOwnerUid=10061 mShowToOwnerOnly=true package=com.octo4a appop=NONE > mAttrs=WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(fillxfill) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1800002 pfl=0x8 fmt=-2 wanim=0x7f120007} > Requested w=1920 h=1090 mLayoutSeq=527 > mBaseLayer=21000 mSubLayer=0 mAnimLayer=21030+0=21030 mLastLayer=21030 > mToken=AppWindowToken{65281a18 token=Token{64e83f60 ActivityRecord{64c37ed0 u0 com.octo4a/.ui.InstallationActivity t4}}} > mRootToken=AppWindowToken{65281a18 token=Token{64e83f60 ActivityRecord{64c37ed0 u0 com.octo4a/.ui.InstallationActivity t4}}} > mAppToken=AppWindowToken{65281a18 token=Token{64e83f60 ActivityRecord{64c37ed0 u0 com.octo4a/.ui.InstallationActivity t4}}} > mViewVisibility=0x0 mHaveFrame=true mObscured=false > mSeq=0 mSystemUiVisibility=0x0 > mGivenContentInsets=[0,0][0,0] mGivenVisibleInsets=[0,0][0,0] > mConfiguration={1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw800dp w1280dp h726dp 240dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.5} > mHasSurface=true mShownFrame=[0.0,202.27695][1920.0,1292.277] isReadyForDisplay()=true > mFrame=[0,38][1920,1128] last=[0,38][1920,1128] > mSystemDecorRect=[0,0][1920,1090] last=[0,0][1920,1090] > Frames: containing=[0,38][1920,1128] parent=[0,38][1920,1128] > display=[0,38][1920,1128] overscan=[0,38][1920,1128] > content=[0,38][1920,1128] visible=[0,38][1920,1128] > decor=[0,38][1920,1128] > Cur insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] > Lst insets: overscan=[0,0][0,0] content=[0,0][0,0] visible=[0,0][0,0] > WindowStateAnimator{64ff2d50 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.InstallationActivity}: > mAnimating=true mLocalAnimating=true mAnimationIsEntrance=false mAnimation=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@65074e70 > XForm: has=true hasLocal=true {alpha=0.2718222 matrix=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0][0.0, 1.0, 164.27695][0.0, 0.0, 1.0]} > mSurface=Surface(name=com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.InstallationActivity) > mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN mLastHidden=false > Surface: shown=true layer=21030 alpha=0.2718222 rect=(0.0,202.27695) 1920.0 x 1090.0 > mShownAlpha=0.2718222 mAlpha=1.0 mLastAlpha=0.2718222 > mGlobalScale=1.0 mDsDx=1.0 mDtDx=0.0 mDsDy=0.0 mDtDy=1.0 > mExiting=true mRemoveOnExit=true mDestroying=false mRemoved=false

logcat for Octo4a communication crash

> [10-31 21:06:01.595 111:111 I/DEBUG] > 4015015c 28006800 e02cd1e6 46294630 f00d4622 > > [10-31 21:06:01.595 111:111 I/DEBUG] > 4015016c 1c43e914 d11e4607 f9c4f001 29046801 > > [10-31 21:06:01.845 507:535 I/BootReceiver] > Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_00 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE) > > [10-31 21:06:01.875 507:523 I/WindowState] > WIN DEATH: Window{64eaa3d0 u0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.MainActivity} > > [10-31 21:06:01.885 507:545 W/InputDispatcher] > channel '6508a8a0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.MainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 > > [10-31 21:06:01.885 507:545 E/InputDispatcher] > channel '6508a8a0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! > > [10-31 21:06:01.885 114:114 I/art] > Process 1144 terminated by signal (6) > > [10-31 21:06:01.895 507:832 I/WindowState] > WIN DEATH: Window{6508a8a0 u0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.MainActivity} > > [10-31 21:06:01.895 507:832 W/InputDispatcher] > Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '6508a8a0 com.octo4a/com.octo4a.ui.MainActivity (server)' > > [10-31 21:06:01.895 507:522 I/art] > GcCauseBackground sticky partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 6727(383KB) AllocSpace objects, 5(956KB) LOS objects, 14% free, 12MB/14MB, paused 7.096ms total 37.725ms > > [10-31 21:06:01.945 507:830 I/ActivityManager] > Process com.octo4a (pid 1144) has died. > > [10-31 21:06:02.095 113:113 D/hwcomposer] > fb1 realy close! > > [10-31 21:06:06.245 116:409 D/AudioHardware] > AudioHardware pcm playback is exiting standby. > > [10-31 21:06:06.245 116:409 D/AudioHardware] > openPcmOut_l() mPcmOpenCnt: 0 > > [10-31 21:06:06.245 116:409 D/alsa_route] > route_info->sound_card 0, route_info->devices 0 > > [10-31 21:06:06.245 116:409 D/alsa_pcm] > pcm_open(0x0001f000) > > [10-31 21:06:06.245 116:409 D/alsa_pcm] > pcm_open() card 0, device 0, Playback > > [10-31 21:06:06.255 507:831 W/InputMethodManagerService] > Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@64f3d320 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@64dde800 >

Octoprint log

> 2023-11-01 01:58:50,744 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** > 2023-11-01 01:58:50,774 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.9.3 > 2023-11-01 01:58:50,783 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ****************************************************************************** > 2023-11-01 01:58:51,052 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity state is currently: online > 2023-11-01 01:58:51,056 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connecting to is working > 2023-11-01 01:58:51,059 - octoprint.util.connectivity.connectivity_checker - INFO - Resolving octoprint.org is working > 2023-11-01 01:58:51,316 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /root/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages... > 2023-11-01 01:58:59,875 - octoprint.access.users - WARNING - Argon2 passlib backend is not available, not using it for password hashing > 2023-11-01 01:59:08,807 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Plugin Pi Support Plugin (2023.10.10) did not pass check, not loading. > 2023-11-01 01:59:09,757 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 19 plugin(s) providing 19 mixin implementations, 34 hook handlers > 2023-11-01 01:59:10,165 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval > 2023-11-01 01:59:11,648 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started > 2023-11-01 01:59:11,949 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /root/.octoprint/uploads... > 2023-11-01 01:59:11,968 - octoprint.filemanager.storage - INFO - ... file metadata for /root/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully. > 2023-11-01 01:59:11,992 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_SHOW (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_show')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:11,996 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_notification: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CLEAR (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_notification_clear')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:11,998 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin action_command_prompt: PLUGIN_ACTION_COMMAND_PROMPT_INTERACT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_action_command_prompt_interact')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,007 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_READ (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,012 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin announcements: PLUGIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_read'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_announcements_manage')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,021 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_ADMIN (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_admin')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,039 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin appkeys: PLUGIN_APPKEYS_GRANT (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_appkeys_user')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,043 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin backup: PLUGIN_BACKUP_ACCESS (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_backup_access')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,044 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin firmware_check: PLUGIN_FIRMWARE_CHECK_DISPLAY (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_firmware_check_display')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,046 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin logging: PLUGIN_LOGGING_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_logging_manage')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,060 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_LIST (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_list')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,067 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_MANAGE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,073 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin pluginmanager: PLUGIN_PLUGINMANAGER_INSTALL (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_manage'), Need(method='role', value='plugin_pluginmanager_install')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,079 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CHECK (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_check')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,089 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_UPDATE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_update')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:12,105 - octoprint.server - INFO - Added new permission from plugin softwareupdate: PLUGIN_SOFTWAREUPDATE_CONFIGURE (needs: "Need(method='role', value='plugin_softwareupdate_configure')") > 2023-11-01 01:59:22,196 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/usr/bin/python3 -m pip" as command to invoke pip > 2023-11-01 01:59:32,199 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 22.3.1 > 2023-11-01 01:59:35,053 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> no > 2023-11-01 01:59:35,055 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes > 2023-11-01 01:59:35,521 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 19 plugin implementation(s) > 2023-11-01 01:59:35,785 - octoprint.plugins.classicwebcam - INFO - Migrating settings from webcam to plugins.classicwebcam... > 2023-11-01 01:59:36,778 - octoprint - INFO - Installing webcam compat overlay for configured default webcam > 2023-11-01 01:59:36,793 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 19 plugin(s) registered with the system: > | Action Command Notification Support (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_notification > | Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt > | Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements > | Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking > | Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys > | Backup & Restore (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup > | Classic Webcam (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/classicwebcam > | comm-fix = /root/.octoprint/plugins/comm-fix.py > | Core Wizard (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard > | Discovery (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery > | Error Tracking (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking > | Event Manager (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/eventmanager > | File Check (2021.2.23) (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint_file_check > | Firmware Check (2021.10.11) (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint_firmware_check > | GCode Viewer (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/gcodeviewer > | Logging (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging > | Plugin Manager (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager > | Software Update (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate > | Virtual Printer (bundled) = /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer > Prefix legend: ! = disabled, # = blacklisted, * = incompatible > 2023-11-01 01:59:36,838 - octoprint.environment - ERROR - Error while detecting hardware environment > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/environment.py", line 112, in _detect_hardware > cpu_freq = psutil.cpu_freq() > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psutil/__init__.py", line 1864, in cpu_freq > ret = _psplatform.cpu_freq() > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psutil/_pslinux.py", line 745, in cpu_freq > max_ = int(bcat(pjoin(path, "scaling_max_freq"))) / 1000 > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psutil/_common.py", line 776, in bcat > return cat(fname, fallback=fallback, _open=open_binary) > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psutil/_common.py", line 764, in cat > with _open(fname) as f: > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/psutil/_common.py", line 728, in open_binary > return open(fname, "rb", buffering=FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE) > PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq' > 2023-11-01 01:59:36,925 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 3.10.13 under Linux (linux). Details: > | hardware: > | cores: unknown > | freq: unknown > | ram: unknown > | os: > | bits: 32 > | id: linux > | platform: linux > | python: > | pip: 22.3.1 > | version: 3.10.13 > 2023-11-01 01:59:37,036 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /root/.octoprint/generated/webassets... > 2023-11-01 01:59:37,044 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /root/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache... > 2023-11-01 01:59:37,056 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /root/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-manifest.json... > 2023-11-01 01:59:39,836 - octoprint.settings - WARNING - DeprecationWarning: Detected access to deprecated settings path ['webcam', 'snapshot'], returned value is derived from compatibility overlay. Please use the webcam system introduced with 1.9.0, this compatibility layer will be removed in a future release. > 2023-11-01 01:59:39,914 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server... > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,067 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,103 - octoprint.events - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,108 - octoprint.events - INFO - Adding 0 events to queue that were held back before startup event > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,174 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue... > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,186 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,211 - octoprint.server - INFO - Starting autorefresh of serial port list > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,262 - octoprint.server - INFO - Serial port list was updated, refreshing the port list in the frontend > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,264 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder... > 2023-11-01 01:59:40,296 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done. > 2023-11-01 01:59:41,207 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on localhost._http._tcp.local.' for _http._tcp.local. > 2023-11-01 01:59:42,330 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on localhost._octoprint._tcp.local.' for _octoprint._tcp.local. > 2023-11-01 01:59:42,362 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on localhost for SSDP > 2023-11-01 01:59:42,467 - octoprint.plugins.comm-fix - INFO - Monkey patching comm.py > 2023-11-01 01:59:42,477 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on and http://[::]:5000 > 2023-11-01 01:59:50,285 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/usr/bin/python3 -m pip" as command to invoke pip > 2023-11-01 01:59:50,297 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> no > 2023-11-01 01:59:50,346 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes > 2023-11-01 01:59:50,390 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Minimum free storage across all update relevant locations is 4.9GB. That is considered sufficient for updating. > 2023-11-01 01:59:50,408 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Fetching check overlays from https://plugins.octoprint.org/update_check_overlay.json > 2023-11-01 01:59:51,339 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _important from https://octoprint.org/feeds/important.xml in 8.3s > 2023-11-01 01:59:51,622 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins.json > 2023-11-01 02:00:01,565 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _releases from https://octoprint.org/feeds/releases.xml in 8.2s > 2023-11-01 02:00:05,761 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _blog from https://octoprint.org/feeds/octoblog.xml in 2.1s > 2023-11-01 02:00:08,212 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/usr/bin/python3 -m pip" as command to invoke pip > 2023-11-01 02:00:08,216 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> no > 2023-11-01 02:00:08,216 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes > 2023-11-01 02:00:08,425 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Saved version cache to disk > 2023-11-01 02:00:08,753 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _plugins from https://plugins.octoprint.org/feed.xml in 0.94s > 2023-11-01 02:00:09,596 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin notices data from https://plugins.octoprint.org/notices.json > 2023-11-01 02:00:10,758 - octoprint.plugins.announcements - INFO - Loaded channel _octopi from https://octoprint.org/feeds/octopi.xml in 1.0s > 2023-11-01 02:00:15,571 - octoprint.server.util.flask.PreemptiveCache - INFO - Adding entry for / and {'path': '/', 'base_url': '', 'query_string': 'l10n=en', '_timestamp': 1698804015.571453, '_count': 1} > 2023-11-01 02:00:32,757 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:32,790 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:32,824 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:39,743 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:39,775 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:39,813 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:39,871 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:39,947 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:39,988 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:40,107 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:40,158 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:40,196 - octoprint.server.views - INFO - Path / was bypassed from cache (key: ui:_default:, signaling as cached > 2023-11-01 02:00:40,953 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: > 2023-11-01 02:00:55,569 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: asd > 2023-11-01 02:00:55,573 - octoprint.server.api - INFO - Actively logging in user asd from > 2023-11-01 02:00:57,632 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User asd logged in on the socket from client > 2023-11-01 02:01:43,737 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user asd from > 2023-11-01 02:01:43,738 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: asd > 2023-11-01 02:01:47,544 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: > 2023-11-01 02:01:47,996 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: > 2023-11-01 02:01:48,114 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user asd from > 2023-11-01 02:01:48,117 - octoprint.access.users - INFO - Logged in user: asd > 2023-11-01 02:01:50,674 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User asd logged in on the socket from client > 2023-11-01 02:04:27,852 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial connection" > 2023-11-01 02:04:27,907 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Performing autodetection with 7 port/baudrate candidates: /dev/ttyOcto4a@115200, /dev/ttyOcto4a@250000, /dev/ttyOcto4a@230400, /dev/ttyOcto4a@57600, /dev/ttyOcto4a@38400, /dev/ttyOcto4a@19200, /dev/ttyOcto4a@9600 > 2023-11-01 02:04:27,908 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Trying port /dev/ttyOcto4a, baudrate 115200 > 2023-11-01 02:04:27,918 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Connecting to port /dev/ttyOcto4a, baudrate 115200 > 2023-11-01 02:04:27,948 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Serial detection: Handshake attempt #1 with timeout 2.0s > 2023-11-01 02:04:27,964 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 > 2023-11-01 02:04:27,995 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial connection" to "Operational" > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,005 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0 > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,152 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.1.x (Sep 1 2022 09:58:43)" > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,175 - octoprint.plugins.firmware_check - INFO - Your printer's firmware is a development build of Marlin (build date 20220901). It might be more unstable than a release version and should be kept up-to-date.. More information at https://faq.octoprint.org/warning-firmware-development > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,238 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports position autoreporting > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,252 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,395 - octoprint.server - INFO - Autorefresh of serial port list stopped > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,477 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,683 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting > 2023-11-01 02:04:28,711 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports long filenames > 2023-11-01 02:04:30,941 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Got a notification: Media Init Fail > 2023-11-01 02:06:01,890 - octoprint.util.comm - ERROR - Unexpected error while reading from serial port > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/util/comm.py", line 4081, in _readline > ret = self._serial.readline() > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/octoprint/util/comm.py", line 6832, in readline > c = self.read(1) > File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 595, in read > raise SerialException( > serial.serialutil.SerialException: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?) > 2023-11-01 02:06:01,987 - octoprint.util.comm - ERROR - Please see https://faq.octoprint.org/serialerror for possible reasons of this. > 2023-11-01 02:06:02,004 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline after error" > 2023-11-01 02:06:02,049 - octoprint.server - INFO - Starting autorefresh of serial port list > 2023-11-01 02:06:02,070 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Notifications cleared > 2023-11-01 02:06:02,165 - octoprint.server - INFO - Serial port list was updated, refreshing the port list in the frontend > 2023-11-01 02:08:47,454 - octoprint.server - INFO - Serial port list was updated, refreshing the port list in the frontend > 2023-11-01 02:08:48,478 - octoprint.server - INFO - Serial port list was updated, refreshing the port list in the frontend > 2023-11-01 02:15:45,017 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3 >

By the way thanks for your work, very nice app :) I hope you can fix these bugs so I can use it properly.

Printer: Ender 3 + SKR Mini E3 v3 with Marlin Pipo M9 Pro (rk3188, dedicated otg) Software: Android 4.4.2, custom rom with root