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Improve JSON rendering #5

Closed ggrossetie closed 1 year ago

ggrossetie commented 1 year ago

Some pages contain large JSON5 file (i.e., with comments):

  "Name": "Thermo dynamics",
  "ShortName": "ThermoDyn",
  "Models": {
    "use-model-name": 1,
    "fluid": {
      "equations": "Navier-Stokes"
  "Materials": {
    "air": {
      "markers": [
      "physics": [
      "rho": "1",
      "mu": "2.65e-2",
      "k": "0.03",
      "Cp": "1004",
      "beta": "0.003660" //0.00006900
    "internal-walls": {
      "markers": "internal-walls",
      "physics": "heat",
      //"k11":"0.02"//[ W/(m*K) ]
      // //"k11":"0.0262"//[ W/(m*K) ]
      // //"Cp":"1000", //[ J/(kg*K) ]
      // //"rho":"150" //[ kg/(m^3) ]
      "rho": "150", //820,//"82",
      "k": "0.25", //"0.25",
      "Cp": "1000",
      "mu": "1.", //???
      "beta": "0." //"0.003660"//???
  "BoundaryConditions": {
    "velocity": {
      "Dirichlet": {
        "exterior-walls": {
          "expr": "{0,0}"
        "internal-surfaces": {
          "expr": "{0,0}"
        "heater1": {
          "expr": "{0,0}"
        "heater2": {
          "expr": "{0,0}"
    "temperature": {
      "Dirichlet": {
        "heater1": {
          "expr": "310"
        "heater2": {
          "expr": "300"
      "Robin": {
        "exterior-walls": {
          "expr1": "1.0/(0.06+0.01/0.5 + 0.3/0.8 + 0.20/0.032 +0.016/0.313 +0.14)",
          // h coeff
          "expr2": "280"
          // temperature exterior
        "exterior-walls-nofluid": {
          "expr1": "1.0/(0.06+0.01/0.5 + 0.3/0.8 + 0.20/0.032 +0.016/0.313 +0.14)", // h coeff
          "expr2": "280" // temperature exterior
  "PostProcess": {
    "use-model-name": 1,
    "heat-fluid": {
      "Exports": {
        "fields": [
    "fluid": {
    "heat": {

Reference: https://docs.feelpp.org/cases/latest/heatfluid/2Dbuilding_NS/README.html

One solution would be to use a JSON tree viewer to show the first 2 levels by default:


One downside is that comments are not supported when displaying a JSON as a tree (because comments are not part of any "node").

Another idea would be to set a maximum height on JSON blocks:

Current With max height
image image

As a side note, Highlight.js supports comments so the syntax highlighting should work as expected:


prudhomm commented 1 year ago

@ggrossetie is it possible to switch between the 2 views ?

ggrossetie commented 1 year ago

is it possible to switch between the 2 views ?

Between a code block and a tree viewer? To clarify, you want to configure which one you want to use (for a specific JSON source block) or both at the same time with a button to switch between the 2 views?

In my opinion, we should use one or the other. For the record, we can add a button to "expand all" in the JSON viewer and it has a copy button.