feelpp / benchmarking

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75 add multiple parametersdimensions to regression tests #91

Closed JavierCladellas closed 2 weeks ago

JavierCladellas commented 3 weeks ago

Parameters are now added dynamically through the parameters section of the JSON. Example :

          "name": "my_parameter",
          "active": true,
          "range": {
              "mode": "step", // Supported modes: "cores", "step", "list" 
              "min": 0.05,
              "max": 0.5,
              "n_steps": 3,
              "generator": "linear" // Depends of the mode, in the future, modes like "log", "random", "exp" will be implemented.

To parameterise the code execution, the syntax is the following {{parameters.my_parameter.value}}: Example

"executable": "my_application"
"options": [ 
    "--a_parameter_dependent_option {{parameters.my_parameter.value}}"

NOTE: IT should always be suffixed by .value , as this will be searched for and replaced during benchmarking.

netlify[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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prudhomm commented 3 weeks ago


This should probably be presented more like this


but we should have both absolute and relative


Browser metadata ``` Path: /benchmarking/applications/feelpp_toolbox_electric/busbar2d/gaya/2024-10-07t14:35:34+0200/ Browser: Chrome on Mac OS 10.15.7 Viewport: 2056 x 1164 @2x Language: en-US Cookies: Enabled ``` [Open in BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com/user/try-live?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeploy-preview-91--benchmarking-polite-crostata-92f389.netlify.app%2Fbenchmarking%2Fapplications%2Ffeelpp_toolbox_electric%2Fbusbar2d%2Fgaya%2F2024-10-07t14%3A35%3A34%2B0200%2F&os=OS%20X&os_version=Catalina&browser=Chrome&browser_version=129.0&resolution=2056x1164&speed=1&start=true&ref=netlify-source)

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prudhomm commented 3 weeks ago


it does not scale, we should have a description of the benchmark to link to. is it 2D or 3D ? it seems that the problem is too small we have to customize the perf analysis

Browser metadata ``` Path: /benchmarking/applications/feelpp_toolbox_electric/busbar2d/gaya/2024-10-07t14:35:34+0200/ Browser: Chrome on Mac OS 10.15.7 Viewport: 2056 x 1164 @2x Language: en-US Cookies: Enabled ``` [Open in BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com/user/try-live?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeploy-preview-91--benchmarking-polite-crostata-92f389.netlify.app%2Fbenchmarking%2Fapplications%2Ffeelpp_toolbox_electric%2Fbusbar2d%2Fgaya%2F2024-10-07t14%3A35%3A34%2B0200%2F&os=OS%20X&os_version=Catalina&browser=Chrome&browser_version=129.0&resolution=2056x1164&speed=1&start=true&ref=netlify-source)

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JavierCladellas commented 3 weeks ago


This should probably be presented more like this

  • for the mesh sizes image
  • for the plots: here only absolute timing but two different breakdown


but we should have both absolute and relative


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These plot types were implemented in PR #92

JavierCladellas commented 3 weeks ago


it does not scale, we should have a description of the benchmark to link to. is it 2D or 3D ? it seems that the problem is too small we have to customize the perf analysis

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This worked is planned to be done along #79 and #74