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Git tool workflow hiccups #3694

Open knutsoned opened 3 months ago

knutsoned commented 3 months ago

I was attempting to follow the process in the video featured here https://book.gtoolkit.com/how-to-set-up-a-gt-github-repo-in-7--6jnhavaiy1r1smdayzj29bopu and found I forgot to check the box to create a README.md file when creating the repo. I added one manually and did not check it in. I was able to create the src folder and initial package with baseline, following the first two prompts in the "setup" tab. However it did not update the readme with the install instructions. At that point I committed the code. This caused the setup tab to disappear before I was able to follow the third step to create the Lepiter db.

I deleted the repo from github and recreated it, this time checking the box to create the readme. After deleting and readding the repo to the Git tool, I followed the steps and was able to get all 3 boxes checked. However it did not seem to create the baseline package this time.

I created a new repo with a readme and a different name. I cloned this into the Git tool and was able to complete all three steps. So it looks like in the first case, having uncommitted changes prevented the tool from modifying the readme file, and committing made it impossible to continue setup. In the second case, it seemed like the system thought the package created from the previous attempt was still there, even after deleting the repo from the Git tool and the disk and reloading a fresh, recreated version from github.

jpbeaudry commented 3 months ago

Something similar just happened to me. I also followed the 7-minutes video steps. In turning the GitHub repo in an iceberg repo, the first two steps (metadata + package/baseline) worked, but the "Setup Lepiter" button and checkbox disappeared. I don't know how to work around that. I suspect I want the setupLepiterDatabaseAction but I don't know how to invoke it and in what context.

jpbeaudry commented 3 months ago

Just tried again with another fresh Git repo. Same issue: cannot get to Lepiter setup. Note, in both instances I already had the default personal Lepiter db, though it contains just a couple of nearly empty notes. Either way, it feels reproducible in v1.0.640