feenkcom / gtoolkit

Glamorous Toolkit is the Moldable Development environment. It empowers you to make systems explainable through experiences tailored for each problem.
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Enhancement: Workflow for setting up a git repository is broken on last step (lepiter option disappears) #3836

Open macta opened 2 weeks ago

macta commented 2 weeks ago

When I tried to follow the instructions on {{gtPage:How to set up a new GitHub repo|db=2j9m7db2i4oz116bexd7wbdxo}} it seems the instructions are out of date and should be corrected.

The inital step to create a repo using GitHub or GitLab on the web is good (probably needs a better wording here) The next snippet about creating a src dir seems wrong - I then launched the GT git tool and proceeded to clone a repo (using the url from the web page above) - this worked great.

You are then presented with a lovely view that has the 3 steps (with tickboxes) - first is to create a src directory - this went as planned. 2nd is to create readme and packages - which works well, and then shows you files to check in - I did this and pressed commit, The issue then is that the 3rd step to create a lepiter database now disappears (in fact all the steps disappear) and so you are unfortunatley on your own. I think this step should remain possible after step 2 .

I repeated the above with a 2nd new project, but this time did the Lepiter step after step 1, this then worked much better - so my simple suggestion would be to reorder these in the git View.

macta commented 2 weeks ago

How do you correct core lepitor docs and then propose a pr with a fix? The first sentence with the docs could be contributed (by me even)