fehaar / FFWD

This is the FFWD framework for XNA, that allows you to port Unity3D games to XNA for use on WP7 or XBox360 (XBLIG)
Microsoft Public License
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Scripts name "*.cs" exist in multiple locations - prolly a beginner ? #39

Closed maconbot closed 12 years ago

maconbot commented 12 years ago


I am very excited about this library and I am looking forward to hopefully contributing. I have never worked on a github project before so please forgive my ignorance. I am trying to drag the unziped FFWD into an empty unity project like so: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=e5f1df0c92bd05c4&resid=E5F1DF0C92BD05C4!248&parid=E5F1DF0C92BD05C4!239

Instead of getting the FFWD menu bar at the top I get a slew of related errors as seen in this log: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=e5f1df0c92bd05c4&resid=E5F1DF0C92BD05C4!243&parid=E5F1DF0C92BD05C4!240

The "essence of the errors" is below: Scripts named 'AssemblyInfo.cs' exist in multiple locations (Assets/FFWD/Exporter/PressPlay.FFWD.Exporter.Test/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs). Please rename one of the scripts to a unique name.

...and the list continues to about 228 similar errors.

I assume I am missing something basic to allow unity to live with CS scripts named the same. Please advise, and again I apologize for asking such a NOOB question. I actually have been using Unity for several months now, I just have always renamed the CS files whenever this came up. So I figure it is time to learn something new :-)

Regards, Chad

maconbot commented 12 years ago

I forgot to mention I am using Unity 3.5.0f5

maconbot commented 12 years ago

Yea, I figured it out, was a newbie thing...but I will explain here for the others that may not know. And then add a few more hints to the https://github.com/fehaar/FFWD/issues/29

Basically downloading https://github.com/fehaar/FFWD-templates will get you half way there to stop seeing this error. Close everything. The next step is navigate to Unity>Assets>Scenes>Logo.unity and double click. You can also File>Open Project in Unity and then open the Unity folder...both work.

I would also note that I stopped trying to get this working on my mac a few hours ago so for now this is just the Windows instructions, I notice there are a few .exe and .bat files so this may only work in Windows, unless you want to do some crazy .wine setup :-) If you do please share.

So on windows once you get the Unity project folder open, you can then run the scene. You will also have the mentioned FFWD menu bar at the top. Notice that the scene is a spinning cude, there doesn't appear to be a logo texture to it so don't worry. Then you can pretty much follow the instructions here: https://github.com/fehaar/FFWD/issues/29

I ran into a few more errors that are also probably common knowledge when working with a library like this, but I'll pop over to issue 29 and clarify my XNA issues there.


Worked on: Microsoft 8 Customer Preview Unity 3.5.1f2

fehaar commented 12 years ago

The main FFWD code is for XNA - not Unity. So if you try to use that in your Unity project, you will get errors. You have to use the FFWD-Template in Unity in order to get the Editor scripts that enable FFWD.

It is true that the project is very much a windows project at the moment. You cannot get a Visual Studio to run XNA on Mac, so you will hit a dead in running on OSX at some point anyway.

I am glad to hear that it works on Win 8 CP BTW. I have a machine running with it, but haven't gotten around to trying it on it. Great that it is working. Now - how to get FFWD running on Metro.... ;-)

maconbot commented 12 years ago

Yes I'm pretty interested in Metro myself, I wish MS wasn't being so secretive about their intentions with Win 8 outside of stating that it will still support XNA. Supposedly some changes coming on the silverlight front and more language flexibility like being able to write C++ for DirectX etc.

I'm sure you've seen the Create your first Metro app on MS: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br211385.aspx

I haven't had time to look through it...should be interesting though. Currently focused on the xbox aspect at the moment but have metro on my radar for sure...good exposure when release comes.

Tip for when you go to get your Win 8 setup for XNA...I had to try it 2x.

First download Visual Studio 11 beta and .NET Framework 4.5 http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2012/02/29/10274911.aspx

then follow the work around here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2012/02/29/10274694.aspx -install sdk -run work around -repair sdk

After that I was also able to update to 7.1.1 which I believe fixes the emulation problem that was existing for windows phone.

fehaar commented 12 years ago

I already have a Win8 setup for development (we are doing a game for Win8 release). So I am working with it. Just not with XNA or WP.

Metro is very cool, and I am looking forward to doing some real Metro apps. I just really want to avoid going back to C++ to be able to do DirectX stuff. Maybe they have made it easier, but it was a chore in the old days. It is a bit dissapointing that it seems like they are canning XNA for Metro. I know nothing is decided yet, but it sure seems like that is the way it is heading. I know there are some Open Source XNA clones that are working on Metro support. But they are not that far yet.

Thomas Gravgaard Senior Software Developer Press Play ApS thomas@pressplay.dk +45 26 74 26 74