fehaar / FFWD

This is the FFWD framework for XNA, that allows you to port Unity3D games to XNA for use on WP7 or XBox360 (XBLIG)
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Transfrom == null on Renderer (MeshRenderer) object. #48

Open pmyn opened 12 years ago

pmyn commented 12 years ago

Hello, in Unity i create Game Object, add MeshRenderer with material texture and create Prefab with this GO. Export all to XNA, when i create GO on method UpdateCullingInfo(Camera cam) transform == null and throw Null Exception. Maybe i do somethink wrong, if you know this issue please some tips. Realy Thanks.

fehaar commented 12 years ago

It sounds odd that you would get a transform == null exception. Gameobjects should always have a transform in place. Can you post some code I can look at?

Thomas Gravgaard Senior Software Developer Press Play ApS thomas@pressplay.dk +45 26 74 26 74

pmyn commented 12 years ago

On screen touch i create Bullet :
void HandleBullets() { tempVector = Quaternion.AngleAxis(8f, Vector3.up) * inputRotation; tempVector = (transform.position + (tempVector.normalized * 0.8f)); GameObject objCreatedBullet = (GameObject)Instantiate(ptrScriptVariable.objBullet, tempVector,Quaternion.LookRotation(inputRotation)); // create a bullet, androtate it based on the vector inputRotation Physics.IgnoreCollision(objCreatedBullet.collider, collider); }

and its bullet script : public class BulletScript : MonoBehaviour {

// Use this for initialization
private float moveSpeed = 30f; // how fast the bullet moves
private float timeSpentAlive; // how long the bullet has stayed alive for
private GameObject objPlayer;
public override void Start()
    objPlayer = (GameObject)GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");

// Update is called once per frame
public override void Update()
    timeSpentAlive += Time.deltaTime;
    if (timeSpentAlive > 1) // if we have been traveling for more than onesecond remove the bullet
    // move the bullet
    transform.Translate(0, 0, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
    transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x,
    0, transform.position.z); // because the bullet has a rigid body we don't want itmoving off it's Y axis
void removeMe()
public override void OnCollisionEnter(Collision Other)
    if (Other.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(AIScript)) != null &&
    Other.gameObject != objPlayer) // if we have hit a character and it is not theplayer
    removeMe(); // remove the bullet if it has hit something else apart froman enemy character

} Exception : System.NullReferenceException was unhandled Message=NullReferenceException StackTrace: at PressPlay.FFWD.Components.RenderItem.UpdateCullingInfo(Camera cam, Transform t) at PressPlay.FFWD.Components.Renderer.UpdateCullingInfo(Camera cam) at PressPlay.FFWD.Components.Camera.Culling() at PressPlay.FFWD.Application.Draw(GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Draw(GameTime gameTime) at FFWD.Unity.Tests.Game1.Draw(GameTime gameTime) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DrawFrame() at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick() at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle() at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.MobileGameHost.RunOneFrame() at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.MobileGameHost.gameLoopTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e) at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.DispatcherTimerWin32.TimerElapsed(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 uMsg, IntPtr nIDEvent, UInt32 uTime)

I Develop on Windows Phone. Edit : When i delete MeshRenderer from GO everythink is okey (off course not see objects on scene).