fehaar / FFWD

This is the FFWD framework for XNA, that allows you to port Unity3D games to XNA for use on WP7 or XBox360 (XBLIG)
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Can we say that FFWD will support Windows Phone Apollo? #57

Open stanleyjoy opened 12 years ago

stanleyjoy commented 12 years ago

I am not sure if I should write this here but it is a troubling issue none the less. I was excited when Microsoft was showcasing Windows Phone 8 or Apollo. Game Development on Apollo is very quiet, a little too quite for my comfort. I was wondering if you guys have heard of any news in Game Development for Apollo and also the main question will Fast Forward support development for Apollo.


fehaar commented 12 years ago

Hi Stan,

As you have probably heard, Microsoft has lifted the veil on WP8.

Game development is given a big lift in the right direction with WP8. Especially the open support for native C++ and the fact that it will run with the same core as other Win8 versions is fantastic. It will mean that native support from engines like Unity and Unreal is definitely come.

Since XNA will not to be supported for direct development on WP8, it will be the end of the line for FFWD. The fact that real Unity support for WP8 will also come at some point, will also make FFWD obsolete. We had a hunch that something like this would happen when we released the FFWD source, but we hoped that someone would benefit from it anyway.

Regarding FFWD/XNA development on the 360, nothing has been officially closed yet. But we can speculate in that it will probably be heading in the same direction as the phone. But if it will be happening this year or even in this console generation is anybodys guess.

Sendt fra min Windows Phone From: Stanley J. Maliackal Sent: 23-06-2012 10:01 To: Thomas Gravgaard Subject: [FFWD] Can we say that FFWD will support Windows Phone Apollo? (#57) I am not sure if I should write this here but it is a troubling issue none the less. I was excited when Microsoft was showcasing Windows Phone 8 or Apollo. Game Development on Apollo is very quiet, a little too quite for my comfort. I was wondering if you guys have heard of any news in Game Development for Apollo and also the main question will Fast Forward support development for Apollo.


Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/fehaar/FFWD/issues/57

stanleyjoy commented 12 years ago

So there is a major probability that Windows Phone Apollo's game development can be done by using a game engine like Unity 3D or Unreal Engine provided Microsoft gives it to them. Stan

Laumania commented 12 years ago

I really think it's sad that all my hours with XNA is kind of "wasted" if MS will not let XNA be supported on WP8. Win8 will not support XNA by default, which I was hoping for. So guess it's time for me to start learning Unity3d, which is actually a good thing :)

fehaar commented 12 years ago

Learning a new API and learning to make games is never wasted. Remember that. You will find that you can carry a lot of techniques over to Unity.

I think I have read on some Unity post, maybe just a tweet from David, that they were looking to provide WP8 support, but there is no official word on it yet.

stanleyjoy commented 12 years ago

Waiting eagerly on some official news. @fehaar Have you got time to check on my issue??

Laumania commented 12 years ago

@fehaar Yeah I know and like learning stuff - actually I'm doing it as much as I can. So I had already planned that I would, at some point, look into unity3d because it seems like an awesome game engine. And you right, a lot of my knowledge about game development isn't really language/platform specific and then talking language I can use C# as scripting for Unity3d, as you know.

Still I find it a little sad if Microsoft kill of there own (pretty ok actually) gamge framework, XNA.

Sorry for going a little off-topic/"spamming" this issue.

KonajuGames commented 12 years ago

Both the official Windows Phone Developer Team @wpdevteam on Twitter and Mark Chamberlain in the AppHub forums have stated that XNA will be available in the Window Phone 8 SDK for creating Windows Phone 8 apps. http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/p/106054/625197.aspx#625197

stanleyjoy commented 12 years ago

Woohoo!!! FFWD for life, I think! Stan @Slygamer Thanks for the update @fehaar What do you think man?? Will we have FFWD for Windows Phone 8??