fehaar / FFWD

This is the FFWD framework for XNA, that allows you to port Unity3D games to XNA for use on WP7 or XBox360 (XBLIG)
Microsoft Public License
133 stars 36 forks source link

Last but not least. #72

Closed stanleyjoy closed 11 years ago

stanleyjoy commented 11 years ago

I am about to upload my game to Windows Phone Marketplace when I got this issue.

I changed the build setting from debug to release. I did change the Assembly information in the properties of my Active Project (WP7). The Info I changed was the Title and the Product name. When i build the game I get this error Error loading pipeline assembly "D:\Project\XNA\XNA\FFWD.Template.Scripts\bin\x86\Release\FFWD.Templates.Scripts.dll". PROJECT: FFWD.Template.Win Error loading pipeline assembly "D:\Project\XNA\XNA\FFWD.Template.Scripts\bin\x86\Release\FFWD.Templates.Scripts.dll". PROJECT: FFWD.Template.Win Error loading pipeline assembly "D:\Project\XNA\XNA\FFWD.Template.Scripts\bin\x86\Release\FFWD.Templates.Scripts.dll". PROJECT: FFWD.Template.WP7 Error loading pipeline assembly "D:\Project\XNA\XNA\FFWD.Template.Scripts\bin\x86\Release\FFWD.Templates.Scripts.dll". PROJECT: FFWD.Template.WP7

Any ideas why?? Stan

stanleyjoy commented 11 years ago

When I build in Debug Mode it works.

fehaar commented 11 years ago

Check the Build Configuration in Visual Studio to see if any of the projects have been disabled for build in Release mode.

stanleyjoy commented 11 years ago

I have built all the solutions (Mixed Platforms) then it worked. Since I kept Configuration to only build for WP7 it did not build for x86 or Xbox 360. When I gave this it rebuilt everything. Thanks Thomas for everything our game is ready and is undergoing Closed Beta Testing here in India. Stan

fehaar commented 11 years ago

Excellent Stan! I am looking forward to seeing it when it is out there. Good luck!