feichtenhofer / Detect-Track

Code release for "Detect to Track and Track to Detect", ICCV 2017
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File structure and missing directory #26

Open wll199566 opened 6 years ago

wll199566 commented 6 years ago

Hi, when we used your code to train, we encountered two problems as follows:

  1. is it possible for you to share the file structure of the root folder(/data/ILSVRC/), including Annotations, Data, devkit, ImageSets and imdb. For example, since we trained on both VID and DET, in root_path/Data, should we put VID_val and VID_train into VID folder, or just leave DET, VID, VID_train and VID_val in parallel?
  2. We have succeed constructing "imdb_ilsvrc15_train_unflip.mat", but every time when it was about to construct the corresponding roidb, we always got the warning saying "GT(xml) file empty/broken: ILSVRC2013_train_extra0/ILSVRC2013_train_00000001". But there's no corresponding annotations for the 2013 extra. We cannot find this directory from any ILSVRC dataset, so could you please share where we can get it? Thanks so much in advance!!