feifeiobama / RectifID

RectifID: Personalizing Rectified Flow with Anchored Classifier Guidance
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Question about installation of InstaFlow and PerFlow #1

Closed blistick closed 2 months ago

blistick commented 2 months ago

Thank you for this work! I have a simple question about installation. I see that there are empty InstaFlow and piecewise-rectified-flow subfolders, but I don't understand how to properly install those modules. I tried cloning their repos into each folder, but I still get "module not found" errors when I try the single_person_perflow Jupyter notebook. I'm sure there is some simple step I'm missing. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

feifeiobama commented 2 months ago

You can directly run git clone --recursive, or download their code into InstaFlow and picewise_rectifiedflow subfolders. Note that I used "" in "piecewise_rectified_flow" instead of "-".

blistick commented 2 months ago

Thank you, @feifeiobama! It was the underscores verses dashes that tripped me up.