felangel / flow_builder

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fix: don't lose system push route events and pass them to WidgetsBindings #42

Closed orestesgaolin closed 3 years ago

orestesgaolin commented 3 years ago



Breaking Changes



Before this change any system push intents e.g. with new deep links would be lost on Android. This was happening when app was running in the background and new deep link was received. Now if there's any information about the deep link route, it will be passed to WidgetsBinding so that all subscribers would be able to handle it (RouterDelegate, MaterialApp, custom implementors of WidgetsBinding).

Sample implementation of custom handler:

class CustomHandler with WidgetsBindingObserver {
  CustomHandler(WidgetsBinding widgetsBinding)
      : _widgetsBinding = widgetsBinding,
        assert(widgetsBinding != null) {

  final WidgetsBinding _widgetsBinding;

  /// Must be called when the `MaterialApp` is initialized
  /// in order to fetch the initial route.
  /// The initial route cannot be fetched before the
  /// `MaterialApp` is built for the first time.
  void initialize() {
    final route = _widgetsBinding.window.defaultRouteName;
    if (route != null) {
      // handle

  Future<bool> didPushRouteInformation(
      RouteInformation routeInformation) async {
    // handle
    return true;

  Future<bool> didPushRoute(String route) async {
    // handle
    return true;

  /// Disposes subscribing to WidgetsBinding events
  void dispose() {

Type of Change