felangel / flow_builder

Flutter Flows made easy! A Flutter package which simplifies navigation flows with a flexible, declarative API.
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Page Animations not inverted when navigating back #78

Open flodaniel opened 2 years ago

flodaniel commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug When using the provided example to implement custom page transitions: https://github.com/felangel/flow_builder/issues/29 the animation for "forward" and "backward" navigation remains the same.
This only happens when handling the back navigation with the FlowBuilder state (context.flow().update...), but the animation behaves correctly if I use Navigator.pop(context);

This is a snipped of my onGeneratePages, where I tested the back navigation from OnboardingFlowPage.commuteDays to OnboardingFlowPage.enterAddress by calling context.flow<OnboardingState>.update((state) => OnboardingInitial(page: OnboardingFlowPage.enterAddress).

case OnboardingFlowPage.enterAddress:
        return [
              EnterAddressFlow(isOnboarding: isOnboarding))
      case OnboardingFlowPage.commuteDays:
        return [
              EnterAddressFlow(isOnboarding: isOnboarding)),
              CommuteDaysPage(isOnboarding: isOnboarding)),

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Implement the given example with a custom page transition and do a back navigation by calling context.flow().update().

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Inverted animation plays

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Logs Run flutter analyze and attach any output of that command below. If there are any analysis errors, try resolving them before filing this issue. Paste the output of running flutter doctor -v here.

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