Closed Abilay99 closed 4 months ago
Can you share some sample code or a reproduction sample? I'm not sure I fully understand the problem you're facing, thanks!
class TranslateApiClient {
TranslateApiClient({Dio? httpClient})
: _httpClient = (httpClient ?? Dio())
..options.baseUrl = baseUrl
..options.validateStatus=((status) => status != null && status <= 505);
final Dio _httpClient;
static final _fresh = Fresh.oAuth2(
tokenHeader: (token){
if (token.accessToken == '') {
return {};
return {
'Authorization': '${token.tokenType} ${token.accessToken}',
tokenStorage: CacheTokenMemory(),
refreshToken: (token, client) async {
'Authorization': '${token?.tokenType} ${token?.refreshToken}',
try {
final response = await<dynamic>('/auth/refresh',);
if(response.statusCode != 201 || response.statusCode != 200){
throw RevokeTokenException();
final data = as Map<String, dynamic>;
final accessToken = data['access_token'].toString();
final refreshToken = data['refresh_token'].toString();
return OAuth2Token(
accessToken: accessToken,
refreshToken: refreshToken,
} on DioError catch(err){
return const OAuth2Token(
accessToken: '',
Closing for now since this issue is quite old. If this is still an issue with the latest version of the package let me know and I'm happy to take a closer look, thanks!
I can't refresh token because of i use accessToken for API refreshToken for refreshing token but _httpClient interceptors using Fresh. There are changed headers Authorization only for refreshToken. How to solve this problem?