felangel / mocktail

A mock library for Dart inspired by mockito
MIT License
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State of 'mocktail' #202

Closed wujek-srujek closed 11 months ago

wujek-srujek commented 11 months ago

It is not a really a bug; rather, it is a question for the maintainers: what is the state of this library? It's latest release (as per https://pub.dev/packages/mocktail) was on 01.03.2022 (1.5 years ago as of right now) and the last commit on main is from 10.02.2023 (6 months ago as of now). What does it mean?

a) The library is abandoned. b) It is considered bug-free and feature-complete.

If b, can we expect a 1.0.0 at some point, or will it stay at 0.3.x?

felangel commented 11 months ago

Hi @wujek-srujek πŸ‘‹ From my perspective it’s the latter. Happy to publish 1.0.0 later today if that will help πŸ™‚

wujek-srujek commented 11 months ago

Hi @felangel, we are happy with your answer and a new release would be unnecessary work from our perspective. Having said that, it might be helpful for adopting mocktail in other projects, where companies might have rules like 'no 0.x unstable dependencies' and such. Your decision.

felangel commented 11 months ago

Hi @felangel, we are happy with your answer and a new release would be unnecessary work from our perspective. Having said that, it might be helpful for adopting mocktail in other projects, where companies might have rules like 'no 0.x unstable dependencies' and such. Your decision.

I’m planning to update the analysis options so a 1.0.0 release could follow that work πŸ‘

felangel commented 11 months ago

@wujek-srujek I just released v1.0.0 of package:mocktail and package:mocktail_image_network πŸŽ‰