feler404 / ocvl-addon

Framework to ease manage OpenCV algorithms based on Blender
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ocvl 195 new node get structuring element #19

Closed aadankan closed 5 years ago

aadankan commented 5 years ago

import uuid

import bpy import cv2 from ocvl.core.node_base import OCVLNodeBase, update_node, BORDER_TYPE_ITEMS

class OCVLgetStructuringElementNode(OCVLNodeBase): n_doc = "The function constructs and returns the structuring element that can be further passed to erode(), dilate() or morphologyEx() . But you can also construct an arbitrary binary mask yourself and use it as the structuring element." n_note = "When using OpenCV 1.x C API, the created structuring element IplConvKernel* element must be released in the end using cvReleaseStructuringElement(&element)." n_requirments = {}

def set_ksize(self, value):
    if value % 2 == 0:
        value = value + 1
    self["ksize_in"] = value

def get_ksize(self):
    return self.get("ksize_in", 5)

shape_in: bpy.props.EnumProperty()#Co tu wwpisać do nawiasu?
anchor_in: bpy.props.IntVectorProperty(default=(-1, -1), update=update_node, size=2, description="Position of the anchor within the element.")
ksize_in: bpy.props.IntProperty(default=5, update=update_node, min=1, max=30, get=get_ksize, set=set_ksize,description="Size of the structuring element.")

def init(self, context):
    self.inputs.new('StringsSocket', "ksize_in").prop_name = 'ksize_in'
    self.inputs.new('StringsSocket', "anchor_in").prop_name = 'anchor_in'

    self.outputs.new("ImageSocket", "retval_out")

def wrapped_process(self):
    kwargs = {
        'ksize_in': self.get_from_props("ksize_in"),
        'anchor_in': self.get_from_props("anchor_in")

    retval_out = self.process_cv(fn=cv2.getStructuringElement, kwargs=kwargs)
    self.refresh_output_socket("retval_output", retval_out, is_uuid_type=True)

def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
    self.add_button(layout, 'borderType_in')
    self.add_button(layout, 'borderType_in')