felhag / lastfm-stats-web

A small project to show some additional statistics for last.fm.
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Tag/genre charts ? #43

Open ValentinDrean opened 9 months ago

ValentinDrean commented 9 months ago


Thank you for that work on lastfm-stats-web ! Super useful <3

As I wrote inside title, I may be interested in a tag charts tab. Same concept as current charts tab but based on tag/music genre changes overtime.

It's useful to see different moods of your life(over weeks/days/hours also), I'm sometimes a deathcore/mathcore listener then I change to psychedelic progressive rock/metal music.

Also Sometimes I discover totally new music genre & I would love to see when & how I listen to them so I can monitor from which artist it comes from, but also to discover if this new music genre is replacing an old one, etc.

I'm not an english speaker & maybe this message is not clear at all ahah, thanks anyway <3

felhag commented 9 months ago

Thanks for your ticket! It's still on my wishlist to add some data regarding genres. But at the moment I don't have information about genres. I'm using getRecentTracks to retrieve the scrobbles which does not give a lot of information about the track.

I have some ideas to integrate with MusicBrainz but this means I have to do another request for each track which could take quite some time.