felicity-buzz-2k16 / quiz-portal-backend

The generic quiz portal's backend
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Resolved Issue#2 - Added a scoring system #10

Closed pranavbhasin96 closed 8 years ago

pranavbhasin96 commented 8 years ago

I added a scoring system where on correct answer you get 10 points and on wrong answer you get -5 points. Now, As you can access to a new question only when you have completed all other questions before it, you get +10 score or -5 score only on the respective lastQuestionAllowed. Also, i have not put any limit on -5, as many times as the user will give a wrong answer, he will get a -5 (only on the lastQuestionAllowed, ofcourse).

anubhabsen commented 8 years ago

The check failed, so look into your terminal for errors (server running logs) and fix them.

meghprkh commented 8 years ago

You have messed up the indentation and therefore the CI is not passing. Please install editorconfig plugin for your editor so that indentation is properly configured. Also if there is an ESLint plugin for your editor, please install that or at least run npm run lint to check for simple errors.

pranavbhasin96 commented 8 years ago

In a module like config.js, can i simply add different variables using comma? syntax will be:

module.exports = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }

meghprkh commented 8 years ago

Yes. And then in the other file const config = require('./config') and then config.scoreIncrement

pranavbhasin96 commented 8 years ago

const config or var config will do? you have used var config in auth.js to use the secret.

meghprkh commented 8 years ago

BTW when you write code enclose in "```" See https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/

pranavbhasin96 commented 8 years ago

Its not showing any indentation or syntax error on running npm run lint, so its good right?

meghprkh commented 8 years ago


meghprkh commented 8 years ago

Thank you and keep the PRs coming =)