The code below is triggering InsertWithoutColumnsCheck:
type t_tab is table of tab%rowtype index by binary_integer;
v_tab t_tab;
forall idx in v_tab.first .. v_tab.last
insert into tab values v_tab(idx);
It happens because these "TABLE types" are currently ignored by the type solver. Therefore, it doesn't know that v_tab is a TABLE nor that v_tab(idx) returns a rowtype. Ultimately this will be fixed in #108.
For now, we should ignore INSERTs inside a FORALL statement.
The code below is triggering InsertWithoutColumnsCheck:
It happens because these "TABLE types" are currently ignored by the type solver. Therefore, it doesn't know that v_tab is a TABLE nor that v_tab(idx) returns a rowtype. Ultimately this will be fixed in #108.
For now, we should ignore INSERTs inside a FORALL statement.