data = pl.DataFrame() # The target data set as Pl.DataFrame; contains full or partial index space.
db_source = ":memory:" # The source data as duckdb source ref. or a DuckDBDataSource instance f.e.
dataset = DataSet(data=data, db_source=db_source) # target and source for the data set
# determines where clauses which will be produced and then finally used for db.loaders and in the specific renderer classes
# space selections has to validated and renderstrategies for the varible each axis has to be determined.
space_selector = SpaceSelector(
haendler_bez="F1", produkt_id=["P1","P2","P3"], week_running_var=[42,43,44,45], data=data)
# create a variable
clicks_variable = Variable(
name="clicks_ijt", # var label
description="Total clicks (sum) on product i offered by firm j occured in week t.", # var label desc.
criterions=[ExcludeScrapperIpsCriterion()], # criterion that excludes scrapper IPs, intercepts target column query # filter or other criterions, must fulfill a specific order ... to be a qualified target query interceptor... where to determine(?)
imputation_strategy=ImputationStrategy.NONE, # imputes target column query
render_strategy=VariableRenderStrategy.INNER_SPACE # Sets specific render strategy for the variable
# create another variable
lct_variable = Variable(
description="Total Last click-through (sum) for product i by firm j in week t.",
render_strategy=VariableRenderStrategy.OUTER_SPACE # Set render strategy
batch_renderer = BatchVariableRenderer(dataset)
# starts a new renderer.
variables=[clicks_variable, lct_variable],
# based on variables and space_selector -> validation -> some db.loaders have to be called from the renderer classes.
Desired behaviour (by example):