felix91gr / swift-linuxSetup

Shell Scripts and instructions on how to set up Swift on Linux.
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Next feature: make Source Kite available in a native fashion #1

Closed felix91gr closed 7 years ago

felix91gr commented 7 years ago

Why is this a good idea

Because Source Kite running in Docker, while functional, is not as efficient as we could get it.

It would be ideal to have it running natively in the OS.

Steps to do this

1) Get the complete Swift 3.1 binaries

Currently, the snapshots provided at swift.org don't include the SourceKit project. SourceKit is the base of Source Kite, which is the backend of SDE. Therefore, if we can get SourceKit to install and work, we can theoretically build everything from there.

Since the complete binaries aren't yet provided by swift.org, we should compile them instead.

2) Check that SourceKit works, and build Source Kite from it

Current ideas being tried to make this work

Compiling the sources of the latest CI successes

The commits of the Swift Projects are tested in Jenkins in order to provide Continuous Integration. The SHAs of the last commit of every repository that were used in a successful run, are written in the testing results.

What we would do with them is:

If it does, then we can probably build Source Kite on top of it.

felix91gr commented 7 years ago

Here is the output of the ./swift/utils/update-checkout --help command:

 usage: update-checkout [-h] [--clone] [--clone-with-ssh] [--skip-history]
                       [--skip-repository DIRECTORY] [--scheme BRANCH-SCHEME]
                       [--reset-to-remote] [--clean] [--config CONFIG]
                       [--github-comment GITHUB-COMMENT] [--dump-hashes]
                       [--tag TAG-NAME] [-j N_PROCESSES]


By default, updates your checkouts of Swift, SourceKit, LLDB, and SwiftPM.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --clone               Obtain Sources for Swift and Related Projects
  --clone-with-ssh      Obtain Sources for Swift and Related Projects via SSH
  --skip-history        Skip histories when obtaining sources
  --skip-repository DIRECTORY
                        Skip the specified repository
  --scheme BRANCH-SCHEME
                        Use branches from the specified branch-scheme. A
                        "branch-scheme" is a list of (repo, branch) pairs.
  --reset-to-remote     Reset each branch to the remote state.
  --clean               Clean unrelated files from each repository.
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file to use
  --github-comment GITHUB-COMMENT
                        Check out related pull requests referenced in the
                        given free-form GitHub-style comment.
  --dump-hashes         Dump the git hashes of all repositories being tracked
  --tag TAG-NAME        Check out each repository to the specified tag.
                        Number of threads to run at once

The --scheme and the --tag options are the ones that could be used for this.

felix91gr commented 7 years ago

The swift-3.1-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2017-03-02-a tag is the last one that passed the tests in Jenkins.

I called the update-checkout like this, and it finished without errors. So far, so good: ./swift/utils/update-checkout --clone --tag swift-3.1-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2017-03-02-a

I'm going to compile it and run the tests now, to see if it really downloaded passing/good commits for every repo.

By default, the build-script doesn't compile the SourceKit binaries. Therefore, if it works with the default presets, I'm gonna try it using Jin's. He used them to have Source Kite working natively.

felix91gr commented 7 years ago


  1. I had a bad RAM which was interfering with the compiling process, making it fail at unpredictable points. That's fixed now.
  2. I built everything! The building process works using the 2-pass method suggested here by Jin.
  3. I still have this problem: I generate the sourcekitdInProc library, but it is not linked correctly. It should be linked to libdispatch.so, which I did compile. I'll try some tests. I might've compiled SourceKit wrongly: instead of letting the system know where libdispatch.so was beforehand, I compiled it right away and left it without the library.
felix91gr commented 7 years ago

Closed in lieu of #2