felixbur / nkululeko

Machine learning speaker characteristics
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Option to overwrite (no_reuse) experiment directory #136

Closed bagustris closed 3 days ago

bagustris commented 6 days ago

In my experience, I often in situations to change EXP.root.name directory due to a previous error (typo, etc, in the INI file). So, I think it will be convenient to have the "overwrite" or "no_reuse" key in the [EXP] section. So, with this addition, it will be like the one below.

root = ./apsipa_2024/results/
name = exp_turev_audmodel_32
no_reuse = true

The default should be 'false' to meet current behavior. With true, all files inside root.name will be erased to start new experiment. How @felixbur?

felixbur commented 6 days ago

this sounds like a combination of

no_reuse = True
no_reuse = True

but, yes, why not. Shall i implement it? @bagustris ?

bagustris commented 3 days ago

@felixbur I don't realize if [DATA] has no_reuse key too. I checked it works as my need, so maybe no need to implement.