felixfbecker / PSKubectl

kubectl with the power of the object pipeline
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Add PowerShell Proxy objects #59

Open nopjmp opened 4 years ago

nopjmp commented 4 years ago

The Az module (azure-powershell) uses proxy objects to make it easier for the end user to use and manage the objects. I'm not sure if this was a design decision, but the raw dotnet-kube-client objects are difficult to work for someone not familiar with the Kubernete's API.

The main idea would be to transform this:

Spec       : KubeClient.Models.NamespaceSpecV1
Status     : KubeClient.Models.NamespaceStatusV1
Metadata   : KubeClient.Models.ObjectMetaV1
Kind       : Namespace
ApiVersion : v1


Name: default
Status: Active
Age: 1d

The model can be based off of the information that kubectl provides and possibly adding a display option for "wide" output. The raw KubeClient model can be left as is, just the display and some helper items should be added.

felixfbecker commented 4 years ago

In my experience adding a custom object model on top of the API in PowerShell is a big maintenance burden, as we'd need to duplicate and support all the things you can get from the native API objects. What worked well in my experience is using the raw API objects, especially if they are .NET class instances you have autocompletion on every property and can target them in Format.ps1xml files. I then like to use Types.ps1mxml files to add aliases to make the objects easier to work with, e.g. see: https://github.com/felixfbecker/PSKubectl/blob/master/PSKubectl/Types/ResourceV1.Types.ps1xml For resources, we actually have two of the aliases you suggested (Name and Age), Status would not be possible I think because that property already exists, but it could be under a different name. But these type aliases are all strictly additive so that all the underlying properties are still accessible. Notee: I just noticed SetScriptBlocks are missing but those could be added.

I also define Format.ps1xml files for all types, so that in reality you actually shouldn't get the output above, but a table view similar to the one kubectl outputs that actually uses those aliases for Name and Age.