felixfbecker / PSKubectl

kubectl with the power of the object pipeline
MIT License
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Getting PVs #73

Open scaleoutsean opened 3 years ago

scaleoutsean commented 3 years ago

Shouldn't PVs not require a namespace parameter?

> Get-KubeResource -Kind PersistentVolume  
Get-KubeResource: Resource API for v1/PersistentVolume only supports listing resources within a specific namespace.

> Get-KubeResource -Kind PersistentVolume -Namespace default
Get-KubeResource: Resource API for v1/PersistentVolume only supports listing resources within a specific namespace.

> # other resources do work (PVC happens to require a NS so I provided it)

> Get-KubeResource -Kind PersistentVolumeClaim -Namespace default

Spec       : KubeClient.Models.PersistentVolumeClaimSpecV1
Status     : KubeClient.Models.PersistentVolumeClaimStatusV1
Metadata   : KubeClient.Models.ObjectMetaV1
Kind       : PersistentVolumeClaim
ApiVersion : v1
Name       : postgresql-data
Namespace  : default
Age        : 1.17:22:39.0442324

On the same host, using Bash:

$ kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS     CLAIM                     STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-18c58c66-c11b-4d97-a72e-2503093e7498   1Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound      default/postgresql-data   basic                   41h
pvc-4184017b-18e1-4917-8bd5-dfbe9b0fbf6f   1Gi        RWO            Retain           Released   default/postgresql-data   basic                   43h

$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"20", GitVersion:"v1.20.4", GitCommit:"e87da0bd6e03ec3fea7933c4b5263d151aafd07c", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-02-18T16:12:00Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"20", GitVersion:"v1.20.4", GitCommit:"e87da0bd6e03ec3fea7933c4b5263d151aafd07c", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-02-18T16:03:00Z", GoVersion:"go1.15.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}