Closed DiegoLimeiradaSilva closed 11 months ago
Can you show me a Code Sample on how you implement it? Also which Version of google_speech do you use?
Can you show me a Code Sample on how you implement it? Also which Version of google_speech do you use?
google_speech: ^4.3.0
` final Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory(); final serviceAccount = ServiceAccount.fromString( '${(await rootBundle.loadString('assets/json/root-sanctuary-166417-975d28ba8461.json'))});
final speechToText =
final config = RecognitionConfig(
encoding: AudioEncoding.LINEAR16,
model: RecognitionModel.basic,
enableAutomaticPunctuation: true,
sampleRateHertz: 16000,
languageCode: 'pt-BR');
final streamingConfig =
config: config,
interimResults: true);
final audio = File(tempDir.path +
'/' +
_uuid!.toString() +
final response = await speechToText
.recognize(config, audio);
The code looks ok so far. Could you please test whether your audio also contains data in release mode? It should be an array with different numbers.
I'm going to test, the question can't be the file extension?
That's right, the array is blank.. Strange that it works in debug.
Ok, then there lies the problem. It looks like there is no audio file where you are looking or the file is empty or cannot be read. Since this is not a problem with google_speech, I would close the issue here.
Describe the bug Unhandled Exception: gRPC Error (code: 3, codeName: INVALID_ARGUMENT, message: RecognitionAudio not set., details: [], rawResponse: null, trailers: {endpoint-load-metrics-bin: MeUtLlGZzBBAOdi/XiZLmek/SZ5RcI7ocbo/, grpc-server-stats-bin: AADDdxYDAAAAAA})
Good morning, it only happens in release mode, in debug normal transcription occurs. can you help me? iOS. Api version v1
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