felixlapierre / campus-guide

Concordia Campus Guide application - SOEN390
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Acceptance Test for #21: As a user, when getting directions between buildings, I want to see indoor directions from the entrance of the destination building to the destination room #241

Open sharon-ho opened 4 years ago

sharon-ho commented 4 years ago

User Story Covered:

21 As a user, when getting directions between buildings, I want to see indoor directions from the entrance of the destination building to the destination room

Acceptance Criteria: Given that I am on the directions page, And that my start location is some building A or some room in building A, And that my end location is a room in some building B Then the indoor route to my end location should start at an entrance of building B’s and lead to the destination.

Steps for Acceptance Test:

  1. Open the application
  2. Click on the "Directions" button on the bottom left found in the bottom navigation bar
  3. Select your end/destination location through one of the presented options; it is recommended that you choose the "Search for location" option, then enter "LB-285" as it is an indoor room and necessitates navigation from the entrance of the Webster Libary/LB building
  4. Select your start location through one of the presented options; it is recommended that you choose the "Search for location" option, then search for and select the Hall Building Auditorium 4.1. It is recommended, though not necessary, that you select the Pedestrian directions option before proceeding to the next step
  5. The map will display directions to the entrance of the Wester Libary/LB building, and from that entrance further indoor directions to the destination room

Please refer to this video for a demonstration of this acceptance criteria


jodavimehran commented 4 years ago
