felixleopoldo / benchpress

A Snakemake workflow to run and benchmark structure learning (a.k.a. causal discovery) algorithms for probabilistic graphical models.
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Ground truth adjacent matrix's column order might need to be the same one as dataset. #92

Closed yasu-sh closed 1 year ago

yasu-sh commented 1 year ago

This would be true since I noticed the large SHD number are obtained at no-bootstrapping even I get reasonalbe result with bootstrapping in tetrad from my eyes in plot. If it is true, it is important for users.

Dataset: alarm(made from bnlearn by me) left: ground truth / center: without bootstrapping / right: with bootstrapping = 5 image

Diffplot image

Graph structure image

felixleopoldo commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I don't see your point, but it's nice that you verify these modules. Did you find an error? As an example, I have the alarm example from here which seems to be the same as the one I use here.

The script I used for turning a bnlearn network to adjacency matrix is here.

felixleopoldo commented 1 year ago

I see, it is the order of the variables you are talking about? I'll have another look.

felixleopoldo commented 1 year ago

What you you mean by bootstrapping, did you add another parameter to the tetrad_fges module?

yasu-sh commented 1 year ago

@felixleopoldo I am sorry. I should have made everything to report this. (I forgot adding the words, "I will investigate later/tommorow.")

I was wondering whether the evaluation metrics/plotting module is not consider on the discrepancy the order of variables or not. Let me have some time for check this. I spent several hours for this phenomena.

As for the bootstrapping, I added the parameter to check the effects as following your tutorial at UAI2023. It is not the point in this case. I will be checking by asia dataset.

[Preparation] Dataset: obtained in R console. data(alarm) Adjacent Matrix: created as following bnlearn help(below).

> alarm_gt <- bnlearn::model2network(paste0(
> bnlearn::amat(alarm_gt)
ACO2    0    0   0  0    1  0   0    0    1    0    0    0    0  0    0    0    0   0   0    0   0   0    0   0   0    0   0    0   0    0    0    0   0    0    0    0    0
ANES    0    0   0  0    1  0   0    0    0    0    0    0    0  0    0    0    0   0   0    0   0   0    0   0   0    0   0    0   0    0    0    0   0    0    0    0    0
yasu-sh commented 1 year ago

Before checking my creation from bnlearn asia dataset, I have made some result discrepancy from sachs dataset in benchpress repos itself. I would have like to understand why the discrepancy happens. diffplots and benchmark metrics are my concerns.

When you use the column-order-reversed dataset,

The steps in resources/data/mydatasets directory:

  1. Making the opposite column order of sachs dataset in R

    > sachs.data <- data.table::fread("2005_sachs_2_cd3cd28icam2_log_std.csv")
    > head(sachs.data,2)
          Akt        Erk        Jnk         Mek         P38      PIP2       PIP3         PKA        PKC       Plcg        Raf
    1: -0.6343361 -0.1117883 -0.3707515 -0.58558428 -0.06458972 0.6818205 -0.3240229 -0.04326735 -0.6878319 -0.3955337 -0.5148379
    2: -3.0409103 -2.5379116  1.0548648 -0.08291055 -0.10231212 1.6658269  1.1813047 -4.07209170  0.2993658  0.6777917 -0.1101130
    > data.table::setcolorder(sachs.data, sort(colnames(sachs.data), decreasing = T))
    > head(sachs.data,2)
          Raf       Plcg        PKC         PKA       PIP3      PIP2         P38         Mek        Jnk        Erk        Akt
    1: -0.5148379 -0.3955337 -0.6878319 -0.04326735 -0.3240229 0.6818205 -0.06458972 -0.58558428 -0.3707515 -0.1117883 -0.6343361
    2: -0.1101130  0.6777917  0.2993658 -4.07209170  1.1813047 1.6658269 -0.10231212 -0.08291055  1.0548648 -2.5379116 -3.0409103
    > data.table::fwrite(sachs.data, "2005_sachs_2_cd3cd28icam2_log_std_colorder_dec.csv")
  2. Executing paper_sachs.json normally

Left diffplot - config/paper_sachs.json

    "benchmark_setup": {
        "data": [
                "graph_id": "sachs.csv",
                "parameters_id": null,
                "data_id": "2005_sachs_2_cd3cd28icam2_log_std.csv",
                "seed_range": null


  1. Executing paper_sachs.json at the dataset exchanged to the created dataset above.

Right diffplot - config/paper_sachs.json

    "benchmark_setup": {
        "data": [
                "graph_id": "sachs.csv",
                "parameters_id": null,
                "data_id": "2005_sachs_2_cd3cd28icam2_log_std_colorder_dec.csv",
                "seed_range": null


felixleopoldo commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I think the order of the dataset and the columns of the adjacency matrix have to be the same. For the Sachs data I reordered and renamed manually the data columns (as far as I remember) to match the graph from bnlearn.

Did you find an example generated by bp where thee is a mismatch of orders?

yasu-sh commented 1 year ago

Thanks for telling your data preparation.

Did you find an example generated by bp where thee is a mismatch of orders?

Yes and No.

     bnlearn's output by using amat function: alphabet order in columns      bnlearn's built-in dataset like alarm has no alphabet order in columns

This codereflects the internal order of tetrad graph instance.


Graph Nodes:


Graph Nodes:

[Information] image adjacent matrix adjmat_tetrad_fges_estimated_withoutbootstrap.csv alarm_gt_amat.csv adjmat_tetrad_fges_estimated_withbootstrap.csv

yasu-sh commented 1 year ago

Even tetrad's case without bootstrapping(normal benchpress case), the output nodes order is the same as dataset's colmun order. The conclusion is the same. [fix] dataset needs to have the same column order with ground truth adjacent matrix one.

felixleopoldo commented 1 year ago

Then I think it's OK, looking at the data file and the graph file will also be less confusing when the columns are consistent. But there should be a text clarifying this for scenario II, somewhere here.

yasu-sh commented 1 year ago

I am glad to hear that. It's good.

For beginners, some users may firstly refer to 'file format' section. It might be a good choice to add a link from the page below to scenario II page. https://benchpressdocs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_formats.html#observational-data

felixleopoldo commented 1 year ago

Yes, that might be good as well.

yasu-sh commented 1 year ago

Thanks for telling this. Should I close this issue now or after updating documents?

felixleopoldo commented 1 year ago

Sure, maybe you can cave a look here first. I added a note just at one place not to make it more confusing.

yasu-sh commented 1 year ago

I did it. I am satisfied to have the consistency and I do not have to see garbage (terrible SHD or diffplot).