felixmaker / thunk

Build Rust program to support Windows XP, Vista and more
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How to set up static compilation #14

Open JiuYeChongYang opened 5 days ago

JiuYeChongYang commented 5 days ago

I set this in.cargo/config file: [target.i686-pc-windows-msvc] rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=+crt-static"] But after compiling with thunk, running in windows XP still prompts me that dll is missing

felixmaker commented 3 days ago

Can you show how you use thunk? Use thunk as library or command line tool? And which dll is missing?

felixmaker commented 3 days ago

What's more, thunk uses VC-LTL5 to make the final executable work without c runtime time installed.

JiuYeChongYang commented 3 days ago

I followed the instructions in the documentation to use Scoop to install thunk tools and related components, using the command line "thunk --os xp --arch x86 -- --release" to compile, When the program is running on windows XP, api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll is lost

JiuYeChongYang commented 3 days ago

Again, I would like to ask whether the rustc version has an impact on the thunk tool compilation. I am currently using the "1.78.0" version.

felixmaker commented 3 days ago

Can you provide which api is lost? Rustc 1.78.0 should be supported. For now, YY-Thunks scoop bucket needs to update.