felixmccuaig / flutter-autocomplete-textfield

An autocomplete Textfield for flutter
MIT License
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Scroll issue & Instance of issue. #108

Closed DipakSkywave closed 2 years ago

DipakSkywave commented 3 years ago

How to make a scroll filtered listview? & how to resolve to get Instance of BookList issue? @felixlucien @spidgorny @khamasaki @Ainiuso @altherat @msalinas1088

this is my code:

return AutoCompleteTextField( controller: valueController ..selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: valueController.text.length), decoration: InputDecoration( hintStyle: AppUtils.showTextWithStyle( 2.0, Colors.black38, FontWeight.normal), border: InputBorder.none, focusedBorder: InputBorder.none, fillColor: Colors.black, isDense: true, helperMaxLines: 1, errorMaxLines: 1, hintMaxLines: 1, contentPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10.0, vertical: 10.0), filled: false, ), itemBuilder: (context, item) { return Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only( top: 5.0, left: 10.0, right: 10.0, bottom: 5.0, ), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Text( item.name, textAlign: TextAlign.start, overflow: TextOverflow.clip, maxLines: 1, ) ], ), ); }, itemFilter: (item, query) { return item.name.toLowerCase().startsWith(query.toLowerCase()); }, itemSorter: (a, b) { return a.id.compareTo(b.id); }, itemSubmitted: (item) {

    keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
    onFocusChanged: (hasFocus) {
      complete(hasFocus, valueController.text.toString() + " ");
    key: key,
    suggestionsAmount: 15,
    suggestions: bookList,
    clearOnSubmit: false,
    focusNode: focusNode,
    textInputAction: TextInputAction.search,