It loads the editor somehow - the monaco window appears where I can type in some code; highliting and everything else are also working fine. But there is a strange error - Error: Could not find module 'vs/language/typescript/src/worker' imported from (require).
The error occurs in ember-electronindex.html file in line return requireAMD.apply(null, arguments)
Arguments is an Array, that contains 1 entry - string "vs/language/typescript/src/worker".
These error is caught but the line return requireNode.apply(null, arguments) in the catch block is also fails because node require must get a string argument.
So, I got this error.
AssertionError {name: "AssertionError", actual: false, expected: true, operator: "==", message: "path must be a string"…}
It appears in the developer tools every time I type in even a letter in the monaco editor window.
I'm trying to load monaco-editor in ember-electron with these code:
It loads the editor somehow - the monaco window appears where I can type in some code; highliting and everything else are also working fine. But there is a strange error -
Error: Could not find module 'vs/language/typescript/src/worker' imported from (require)
. The error occurs in ember-electronindex.html
file in linereturn requireAMD.apply(null, arguments)
Arguments is an Array, that contains 1 entry - string"vs/language/typescript/src/worker"
. These error is caught but the linereturn requireNode.apply(null, arguments)
in the catch block is also fails because node require must get a string argument. So, I got this error.It appears in the developer tools every time I type in even a letter in the monaco editor window.
How can I fix it?