felixrieseberg / windows-build-tools

:package: Install C++ Build Tools for Windows using npm
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Cannot find VS2017 installer log file #130

Closed chriswetterman closed 6 years ago

chriswetterman commented 6 years ago

I installed VS2015 using the latest version of windows-build-tools. I'm now trying to install VS2017 and installation always hangs on

Visual Studio Build Tools: Still waiting for installer log file...

I've tried using version 2.1.5 of WBT, Python installs but still no dice with VS2017.

@felixrieseberg Do you have any insight here? If you need more information, please let me know.


chriswetterman commented 6 years ago

It's possible it could have been issues with my corporate laptop. I ended up using a VM and the steps I documented here. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47248153/build-sqlite3-with-electron-is-not-working/51107560#51107560

felixrieseberg commented 6 years ago

Sorry to hear that! Visual Studio's installer's log files are a bit cryptic - we're expecting them in %TEMP%\ and to begin with dd_client_. If you got a minute, I'd love to know if they're not present for you - and if not, if they're in some mystical other place 😅

thasmo commented 6 years ago

I installed VS2017 build tools prior (months ago) and windows-build-tools would hang with Visual Studio Build Tools: Still waiting for installer log file.... I had to uninstall the VS2017 build tools manually first and afterwards it would not hang anymore.

thasmo commented 6 years ago

Tried a fresh install but it seems to have been stuck again, waiting for the VS2017 log-file. ~Looks more like vs_BuildTools.exe is not executed imo.~

For a second a VS2017 Bootstrapper process pops up in the task manager.

thasmo commented 6 years ago

After a fourth or fifth run it actually worked now. Not sure if it actually influenced anything, but I manually started vs_BuildTools.exe once, actually cancelled it, and then ran npm --vs2017 install --global --production windows-build-tools again.

jordanbtucker commented 6 years ago

See #135

thasmo commented 6 years ago

@jordanbtucker Thanks for investigating, reporting and letting me know. 👍

felixrieseberg commented 6 years ago

Thank you all, this should be fixed in 385951730893ea7adec98241ec778b95e487a85c.