felixrieseberg / windows95

💩🚀 Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows.
22.19k stars 1.3k forks source link

more windows #246

Open actraiser30 opened 2 years ago

actraiser30 commented 2 years ago

Hello there great project

Will you do also windows 3.11/windows98/windows ME/windows2000/windowsXP etc. ??


ghost commented 2 years ago

Hello, This project is based on https://github.com/copy/v86/ by Copy As stated in the credits in the README.md of this project. This program uses Electron and basically takes the web version (v86) and puts it in an app like a browser. v86 by Copy has almost all of the Windows Versions you have listed, so you can possibly integrate those versions from the website in this app replacing win95. However that is only if you have programming knowledge based around TS and JS.

Pixelsuft commented 2 years ago

About v86 How I know, Windows XP isn't working on v86. Windows 2000 is very hard to make it working. Windows 7 can be runned, but veeery slow. Windows 3.1 can be runned with -safe flag to skip logo