felixse / FluentTerminal

A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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WSL True Color not working. #941

Closed sarahkittyy closed 2 years ago

sarahkittyy commented 2 years ago

I use this WSL distro: https://github.com/yuk7/ArchWSL

How to reproduce

This is an issue because the WSL distro I sent has an option to use fluent terminal as default, and if I use that, and start the distro from the Arch.exe executable, true colors break.

Started normally (by typing wsl): image

Started indirectly, through Arch.exe or through flute.exe run wsl image

felixse commented 2 years ago

check whether ConPty is enabled in Settings/General (last toggle on the page)

sarahkittyy commented 2 years ago

check whether ConPty is enabled in Settings/General (last toggle on the page)


ConPTY is enabled.

hanskokx commented 2 years ago

Try turning it off, Sarah.  ConPTY has been known to cause a bunch of weird issues.

felixse commented 2 years ago

true color is only supported for ConPty, so that won't help

hanskokx commented 2 years ago

Oh! Good to know - is that in the docs anywhere?

felixse commented 2 years ago

I found the problem, it will be fixed in the next release (or if you build it from master)

Oh! Good to know - is that in the docs anywhere?

Might be worth documenting, you're right.