felixse / FluentTerminal

A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
GNU General Public License v3.0
9.15k stars 442 forks source link

Settings causes hard crash #960

Open bryangreener opened 2 years ago

bryangreener commented 2 years ago

Application crashes any time I try to open the settings. I have been having this issue for about a year now but have been able to work around it until now.

I've tested all releases from to and get the exact same results. Was unable to test versions earlier than due to them not having signed certificates. This leads me to believe it may be an issue with my Windows install but since other users had the same issues in older versions I figured maybe there is a connection.

Below is the windows Event Viewer Application log:

Faulting application name: FluentTerminal.App.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x600712e6
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.19041.1151, time stamp: 0x891df6d3
Exception code: 0x00001007
Fault offset: 0x000000000010bd3e
Faulting process id: 0x40f8
Faulting application start time: 0x01d7ab0050d54a28
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\53621FSApps.FluentTerminal_0.7.5.0_x64__zzw7cgfsy6dd6\FluentTerminal.App.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
Report Id: 791c37cd-18ed-452e-9197-0be02c70c939
Faulting package full name: 53621FSApps.FluentTerminal_0.7.5.0_x64__zzw7cgfsy6dd6
Faulting package-relative application ID: App

Below is the fluentterminal.app20210916.log log after setting the log level to debug:

2021-09-16 09:57:36.599 -04:00 [FTL] Initialized
2021-09-16 09:57:36.603 -04:00 [DBG] Created ApplicationViewAdapter for ApplicationView with Id: [-1312053]
2021-09-16 09:57:37.166 -04:00 [DBG] MainViewModel with ApplicationView Id: [-1312053] activated.
2021-09-16 09:57:37.263 -04:00 [DBG] WebView navigation completed. Target: ["ms-appx-web://53621fsapps.fluentterminal/Client/index.html"]
2021-09-16 09:57:37.333 -04:00 [DBG] Sending CreateTerminalRequest: [{"Identifier":1,"Id":0,"Size":{"Columns":165,"Rows":54,"$type":"TerminalSize"},"Profile":{"Id":"813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2","PreInstalled":true,"Name":"Powershell","Arguments":"","Location":"C:\\windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe","WorkingDirectory":"","TabThemeId":0,"EnvironmentVariables":{"TERM":"xterm-256color"},"UseConPty":true,"UseBuffer":false,"MigrationVersion":1,"Tag":{"$type":"DelayedHistorySaver"},"TerminalThemeId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","KeyBindings":[{"Command":"813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2","Key":49,"Ctrl":true,"Alt":true,"Shift":false,"Meta":false,"$type":"KeyBinding"}],"$type":"ShellProfile"},"SessionType":"ConPty","$type":"CreateTerminalRequest"}]
2021-09-16 09:57:37.429 -04:00 [DBG] Received CreateTerminalResponse: [{"Identifier":8,"Name":"Powershell","Success":true,"Error":null,"$type":"CreateTerminalResponse"}]
2021-09-16 09:57:45.022 -04:00 [DBG] Created ApplicationViewAdapter for ApplicationView with Id: [-133429]

The systemtray log file produced no output.

felixse commented 2 years ago

Did you already try uninstalling and reinstalling it?

bryangreener commented 2 years ago

Did you already try uninstalling and reinstalling it?

Yes I've done that as should be implied given the information that I provided.

From my original post:

I've tested all releases from to and get the exact same results.

hanskokx commented 2 years ago

This is the sort of issue that I find interesting. Since nobody else has had this issue, I would be interested to know what makes your install different.

felixse commented 2 years ago

Can you export your settings using the CLI and share it with us? Most probably something invalid in there.

Please make sure to redact any sensitive data first

bryangreener commented 2 years ago

Can you export your settings using the CLI and share it with us? Most probably something invalid in there.

Please make sure to redact any sensitive data first

Below is the raw text from the config.json after running flute.exe settings --export. If you'd prefer just the file instead of a huge wall of text, let me know and I can swap it out.

    "App": {
        "ConfirmClosingTabs": false,
        "ConfirmClosingWindows": false,
        "UnderlineSelectedTab": false,
        "InactiveTabColorMode": "background",
        "NewTerminalLocation": "tab",
        "TabWindowCascadingAppMenu": true,
        "TabsPosition": "top",
        "CopyOnSelect": false,
        "MouseMiddleClickAction": "none",
        "MouseRightClickAction": "contextMenu",
        "ShowNewOutputIndicator": false,
        "EnableTrayIcon": true,
        "ShowCustomTitleInTitlebar": true,
        "UseMoshByDefault": true,
        "AutoFallbackToWindowsUsernameInLinks": true,
        "RTrimCopiedLines": true,
        "MuteTerminalBeeps": true,
        "EnableLogging": false,
        "PrintableOutputOnly": true,
        "LogDirectoryPath": "C:\\Users\\bryan\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\53621FSApps.FluentTerminal_87x1pks76srcp\\LocalCache",
        "UseConPty": true,
        "ShowTextCopied": false
    "KeyBindings": {
        "ToggleWindow": [
                "Command": "ToggleWindow",
                "Key": 145,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "NextTab": [
                "Command": "NextTab",
                "Key": 9,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "PreviousTab": [
                "Command": "PreviousTab",
                "Key": 9,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "NewTab": [
                "Command": "NewTab",
                "Key": 84,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "NewWindow": [
                "Command": "NewWindow",
                "Key": 78,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "NewSshTab": [
                "Command": "NewSshTab",
                "Key": 89,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "NewSshWindow": [
                "Command": "NewSshWindow",
                "Key": 89,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "NewCustomCommandTab": [
                "Command": "NewCustomCommandTab",
                "Key": 84,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "NewCustomCommandWindow": [
                "Command": "NewCustomCommandWindow",
                "Key": 78,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "ChangeTabTitle": [
                "Command": "ChangeTabTitle",
                "Key": 82,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "CloseTab": [
                "Command": "CloseTab",
                "Key": 87,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "ShowSettings": [
                "Command": "ShowSettings",
                "Key": 188,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "Copy": [
                "Command": "Copy",
                "Key": 67,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "Paste": [
                "Command": "Paste",
                "Key": 86,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "PasteWithoutNewlines": [
                "Command": "PasteWithoutNewlines",
                "Key": 86,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "Search": [
                "Command": "Search",
                "Key": 70,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "CloseSearch": [
                "Command": "CloseSearch",
                "Key": 27,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "ToggleFullScreen": [
                "Command": "ToggleFullScreen",
                "Key": 13,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
                "Command": "ToggleFullScreen",
                "Key": 122,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SelectAll": [
                "Command": "SelectAll",
                "Key": 65,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "Clear": [
                "Command": "Clear",
                "Key": 76,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm1": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm1",
                "Key": 49,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm2": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm2",
                "Key": 50,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm3": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm3",
                "Key": 51,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm4": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm4",
                "Key": 52,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm5": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm5",
                "Key": 53,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm6": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm6",
                "Key": 54,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm7": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm7",
                "Key": 55,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm8": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm8",
                "Key": 56,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm9": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm9",
                "Key": 57,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "DuplicateTab": [
                "Command": "DuplicateTab",
                "Key": 68,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "ReconnectTab": [
                "Command": "ReconnectTab",
                "Key": 82,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "IncreaseFontSize": [
                "Command": "IncreaseFontSize",
                "Key": 187,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "DecreaseFontSize": [
                "Command": "DecreaseFontSize",
                "Key": 189,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "ResetFontSize": [
                "Command": "ResetFontSize",
                "Key": 48,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
    "TerminalOptions": {
        "FontFamily": "Consolas",
        "FontSize": 13,
        "FontWeight": 400,
        "CursorStyle": "block",
        "CursorBlink": true,
        "BellStyle": "none",
        "ScrollBarStyle": "hidden",
        "BackgroundOpacity": 0.8,
        "UseAcrylicBackground": true,
        "Padding": 12,
        "ScrollBackLimit": 1000,
        "WordSeparator": " ()[]{}:;|│!&*<>@&quot;&squo;"
    "Themes": [],
    "Profiles": [
            "Id": "e5785ad6-584f-40cb-bdcd-d5b3b3953e7f",
            "PreInstalled": true,
            "Name": "WSL",
            "Arguments": "",
            "Location": "C:\\windows\\system32\\wsl.exe",
            "WorkingDirectory": "",
            "TabThemeId": 0,
            "EnvironmentVariables": {
                "TERM": "xterm-256color"
            "UseConPty": true,
            "UseBuffer": true,
            "MigrationVersion": 1,
            "TerminalThemeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "KeyBindings": [
                    "Command": "e5785ad6-584f-40cb-bdcd-d5b3b3953e7f",
                    "Key": 51,
                    "Ctrl": true,
                    "Alt": true,
                    "Shift": false,
                    "Meta": false
            "Id": "ab942a61-7673-4755-9bd8-765aff91d9a3",
            "PreInstalled": true,
            "Name": "CMD",
            "Arguments": "",
            "Location": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
            "WorkingDirectory": "",
            "TabThemeId": 0,
            "EnvironmentVariables": {
                "TERM": "xterm-256color"
            "UseConPty": true,
            "UseBuffer": true,
            "MigrationVersion": 1,
            "TerminalThemeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "KeyBindings": [
                    "Command": "ab942a61-7673-4755-9bd8-765aff91d9a3",
                    "Key": 50,
                    "Ctrl": true,
                    "Alt": true,
                    "Shift": false,
                    "Meta": false
            "Id": "813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2",
            "PreInstalled": true,
            "Name": "Powershell",
            "Arguments": "",
            "Location": "C:\\windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
            "WorkingDirectory": "",
            "TabThemeId": 0,
            "EnvironmentVariables": {
                "TERM": "xterm-256color"
            "UseConPty": true,
            "UseBuffer": false,
            "MigrationVersion": 1,
            "TerminalThemeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "KeyBindings": [
                    "Command": "813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2",
                    "Key": 49,
                    "Ctrl": true,
                    "Alt": true,
                    "Shift": false,
                    "Meta": false
    "SshProfiles": [],
    "DefaultSettings": {
        "DefaultShellProfile": "813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2",
        "CurrentTheme": "281e4352-bb50-47b7-a691-2b13830df95e"
kbudde commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. @bryangreener is not alone anymore. I'm running Windows 11 and I already tried to reinstall.

Please find my config here

    "App": {
        "ConfirmClosingTabs": false,
        "ConfirmClosingWindows": false,
        "UnderlineSelectedTab": false,
        "InactiveTabColorMode": "background",
        "NewTerminalLocation": "tab",
        "TabWindowCascadingAppMenu": true,
        "TabsPosition": "top",
        "CopyOnSelect": false,
        "MouseMiddleClickAction": "none",
        "MouseRightClickAction": "contextMenu",
        "ShowNewOutputIndicator": false,
        "EnableTrayIcon": true,
        "ShowCustomTitleInTitlebar": true,
        "UseMoshByDefault": true,
        "AutoFallbackToWindowsUsernameInLinks": true,
        "RTrimCopiedLines": true,
        "MuteTerminalBeeps": true,
        "EnableLogging": false,
        "PrintableOutputOnly": true,
        "LogDirectoryPath": "C:\\Users\\budde\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\53621FSApps.FluentTerminal_87x1pks76srcp\\LocalCache",
        "UseConPty": true,
        "ShowTextCopied": false
    "KeyBindings": {
        "ToggleWindow": [
                "Command": "ToggleWindow",
                "Key": 145,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "NextTab": [
                "Command": "NextTab",
                "Key": 9,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "PreviousTab": [
                "Command": "PreviousTab",
                "Key": 9,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "NewTab": [
                "Command": "NewTab",
                "Key": 84,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "NewWindow": [
                "Command": "NewWindow",
                "Key": 78,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "NewSshTab": [
                "Command": "NewSshTab",
                "Key": 89,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "NewSshWindow": [
                "Command": "NewSshWindow",
                "Key": 89,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "NewCustomCommandTab": [
                "Command": "NewCustomCommandTab",
                "Key": 84,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "NewCustomCommandWindow": [
                "Command": "NewCustomCommandWindow",
                "Key": 78,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "ChangeTabTitle": [
                "Command": "ChangeTabTitle",
                "Key": 82,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "CloseTab": [
                "Command": "CloseTab",
                "Key": 87,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "ShowSettings": [
                "Command": "ShowSettings",
                "Key": 188,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "Copy": [
                "Command": "Copy",
                "Key": 67,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "Paste": [
                "Command": "Paste",
                "Key": 86,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "PasteWithoutNewlines": [
                "Command": "PasteWithoutNewlines",
                "Key": 86,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "Search": [
                "Command": "Search",
                "Key": 70,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "CloseSearch": [
                "Command": "CloseSearch",
                "Key": 27,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "ToggleFullScreen": [
                "Command": "ToggleFullScreen",
                "Key": 13,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
                "Command": "ToggleFullScreen",
                "Key": 122,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SelectAll": [
                "Command": "SelectAll",
                "Key": 65,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "Clear": [
                "Command": "Clear",
                "Key": 76,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm1": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm1",
                "Key": 49,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm2": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm2",
                "Key": 50,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm3": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm3",
                "Key": 51,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm4": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm4",
                "Key": 52,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm5": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm5",
                "Key": 53,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm6": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm6",
                "Key": 54,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm7": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm7",
                "Key": 55,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm8": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm8",
                "Key": 56,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "SwitchToTerm9": [
                "Command": "SwitchToTerm9",
                "Key": 57,
                "Ctrl": false,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "DuplicateTab": [
                "Command": "DuplicateTab",
                "Key": 68,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": true,
                "Meta": false
        "ReconnectTab": [
                "Command": "ReconnectTab",
                "Key": 82,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": true,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "IncreaseFontSize": [
                "Command": "IncreaseFontSize",
                "Key": 187,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "DecreaseFontSize": [
                "Command": "DecreaseFontSize",
                "Key": 189,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
        "ResetFontSize": [
                "Command": "ResetFontSize",
                "Key": 48,
                "Ctrl": true,
                "Alt": false,
                "Shift": false,
                "Meta": false
    "TerminalOptions": {
        "FontFamily": "Consolas",
        "FontSize": 13,
        "FontWeight": 400,
        "CursorStyle": "block",
        "CursorBlink": true,
        "BellStyle": "none",
        "ScrollBarStyle": "hidden",
        "BackgroundOpacity": 0.8,
        "UseAcrylicBackground": true,
        "Padding": 12,
        "ScrollBackLimit": 1000,
        "WordSeparator": " ()[]{}:;|│!&*<>@&quot;&squo;"
    "Themes": [],
    "Profiles": [
            "Id": "e5785ad6-584f-40cb-bdcd-d5b3b3953e7f",
            "PreInstalled": true,
            "Name": "WSL",
            "Arguments": "",
            "Location": "C:\\windows\\system32\\wsl.exe",
            "WorkingDirectory": "",
            "TabThemeId": 0,
            "EnvironmentVariables": {
                "TERM": "xterm-256color"
            "UseConPty": true,
            "UseBuffer": true,
            "MigrationVersion": 1,
            "TerminalThemeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "KeyBindings": [
                    "Command": "e5785ad6-584f-40cb-bdcd-d5b3b3953e7f",
                    "Key": 51,
                    "Ctrl": true,
                    "Alt": true,
                    "Shift": false,
                    "Meta": false
            "Id": "ab942a61-7673-4755-9bd8-765aff91d9a3",
            "PreInstalled": true,
            "Name": "CMD",
            "Arguments": "",
            "Location": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe",
            "WorkingDirectory": "",
            "TabThemeId": 0,
            "EnvironmentVariables": {
                "TERM": "xterm-256color"
            "UseConPty": true,
            "UseBuffer": true,
            "MigrationVersion": 1,
            "TerminalThemeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "KeyBindings": [
                    "Command": "ab942a61-7673-4755-9bd8-765aff91d9a3",
                    "Key": 50,
                    "Ctrl": true,
                    "Alt": true,
                    "Shift": false,
                    "Meta": false
            "Id": "813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2",
            "PreInstalled": true,
            "Name": "Powershell",
            "Arguments": "",
            "Location": "C:\\windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
            "WorkingDirectory": "",
            "TabThemeId": 0,
            "EnvironmentVariables": {
                "TERM": "xterm-256color"
            "UseConPty": true,
            "UseBuffer": false,
            "MigrationVersion": 1,
            "TerminalThemeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "KeyBindings": [
                    "Command": "813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2",
                    "Key": 49,
                    "Ctrl": true,
                    "Alt": true,
                    "Shift": false,
                    "Meta": false
    "SshProfiles": [],
    "DefaultSettings": {
        "DefaultShellProfile": "813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2",
        "CurrentTheme": "281e4352-bb50-47b7-a691-2b13830df95e"

I had a look at the log config. I've enabled debug logging. It's not much to see
````2021-10-13 07:58:32.925 +02:00 [DBG] Created ApplicationViewAdapter for ApplicationView with Id: [-461037]
2021-10-13 07:58:33.682 +02:00 [DBG] MainViewModel with ApplicationView Id: [-461037] activated.
2021-10-13 07:58:33.684 +02:00 [DBG] WebView navigation completed. Target: ["ms-appx-web://53621fsapps.fluentterminal/Client/index.html"]
2021-10-13 07:58:33.786 +02:00 [DBG] Sending CreateTerminalRequest: [{"Identifier":1,"Id":0,"Size":{"Columns":165,"Rows":56,"$type":"TerminalSize"},"Profile":{"Id":"813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2","PreInstalled":true,"Name":"Powershell","Arguments":"","Location":"C:\\windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe","WorkingDirectory":"","TabThemeId":0,"EnvironmentVariables":{"TERM":"xterm-256color"},"UseConPty":true,"UseBuffer":false,"MigrationVersion":1,"Tag":{"$type":"DelayedHistorySaver"},"TerminalThemeId":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","KeyBindings":[{"Command":"813f2298-210a-481a-bdbf-c17bc637a3e2","Key":49,"Ctrl":true,"Alt":true,"Shift":false,"Meta":false,"$type":"KeyBinding"}],"$type":"ShellProfile"},"SessionType":"ConPty","$type":"CreateTerminalRequest"}]
2021-10-13 07:58:33.999 +02:00 [DBG] Received CreateTerminalResponse: [{"Identifier":8,"Name":"Powershell","Success":true,"Error":null,"$type":"CreateTerminalResponse"}]
2021-10-13 07:58:43.271 +02:00 [DBG] MainViewModel with ApplicationView Id: [-461037] activated.
2021-10-13 07:58:50.242 +02:00 [DBG] Created ApplicationViewAdapter for ApplicationView with Id: [-462295]
reversefold commented 2 years ago

Same issue for me, opening settings crashes with I recently reinstalled Windows on my machine and hence reinstalled Fluent. The last setting I changed was attempting to set the font to SourcCodePro.

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beyond-danube commented 2 years ago

Hi guys @felixse @bryangreener @reversefold seems duplicates https://github.com/felixse/FluentTerminal/issues/957, steps to reproduce here https://github.com/microsoft/Win2D/issues/863, you can try removing some installed fonts (especially ones in %APPDATA%\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts) and see if it helps (if yes, it's the same issue).