felixse / FluentTerminal

A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
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how to make "py" files open? #995

Closed wollframium closed 2 years ago

wollframium commented 2 years ago

I'm new to terminal programs, I have scripts that I run on double click "filename.py"

after that, the python console opens and the script is executed in it.

but since you need to run a lot of copies of the script, it looks not very convenient....


therefore, I decided to look for a solution in which it would be in the form of tab.

I really liked this application, it's better than Microsoft made the microsoftterminal, because I couldn't even install it because the Windows version doesn't fit) but I am faced with the fact that I can not redirect the launch of "files.py" to flute.exe i tried creating "cmd" "bat" "vbs" "ps1" and using flute.exe run in the content of these files in different ways indicated something like "py filename.py"

gave these errors image

maybe i did something wrong here? I don’t know what the working folder is, so I installed the one where the script is, and I don’t know what the arguments are, so I left it empty image

hanskokx commented 2 years ago

python file.py

wollframium commented 2 years ago

python file.py

this is understandable so it works, I checked, but I would not want to manually open 100 copies. everyday.

hanskokx commented 2 years ago

Maybe you need to use a loop to open everything in a directory and run them as background tasks?

wollframium commented 2 years ago

Maybe you need to use a loop to open everything in a directory and run them as background tasks?

something like that?

Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ws.run "cmd /c python название файла.py",0

this is not very convenient. although the script works without failures and does not require control, it is sometimes nice to see what this or that bot is doing.

and when there are 100 copies, too many windows come out and they are all called not by the names of the bots but by "c: windows \ py" it would be more convenient to run 10 fluent windows, and in each 10 tabs) I just don’t understand how to do it and what would be done automatically and not manually

but thanks anyway for answering