felixtsao / oneVR_devel

Low-cost DIY 360 camera video capture and stitching
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6 camera rig - question #3

Open gzalles opened 7 years ago

gzalles commented 7 years ago

Do you think it is possible to stitch a 6 camera rig (omni style) using your method? In Blender or AfterEffects?

Love your work man.

Keep it up!

felixtsao commented 6 years ago

Yeah, should be possible, will probably take some work though.

If you're using a fairly wide angle lenses for your cameras, you'll need to remove the distortion first before stitching in AE or Blender.

gzalles commented 6 years ago

I am using 1440 or 4k with wide FOV to get the overlap between cameras. I guess I just have to try and see if it works. I am going to give the Blender method a go (hopefully this week) and let you know how it goes!

Much respect, this contribution is fantastic.

I shared it with a friend of mine who put his own rig together!!!