felixwiemuth / SimpleReminder

Efficient creation of simple reminders on Android.
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Choose a certain day for reminder #10

Closed paulle closed 2 years ago

paulle commented 3 years ago

Please check the list of planned features in README.md first. Please can you add the possibility to choose a certain date for the reminder not only the time.

felixwiemuth commented 3 years ago

Hi @paulle, the hint to check the list of planned features meant that it is not necessary to make feature requests for already planned features ;).

However, I plan to add issues for features that will be coming soon, so that there can be a discussion. In addition there will be a channel on Matrix where people can informally discuss about the project.

felixwiemuth commented 3 years ago

Plan for a design

My current plan for how one will be able to choose the date is the following:

Dealing with times within the next 24 hours

As one should of course still be able to choose a time within the next 24 hours without having to use the date picker, choosing a time that is before the current time will continue to be assumed to be at the next day. In that case I think it would also be of benefit if the date chosen this way is displayed directly when updating the time on the clock. There is a little conflict when being able to choose the date in these two ways. For instance, what should happen when the chosen day is tomorrow because of the selected time and one manually wants to decrement to today? This would result in a reminder time in the past, which should not be possible. Disallowing to decrement the date in this case would mean that one has to choose the time first and then the day, which is not nice either.

I am thinking of solving this in the following way:

Behaviour in the two modes and switching modes

kiedan commented 3 years ago

Adding a date is the thing I am missing most so far. The way you plan implementing it sounds great, looking forward to it!

felixwiemuth commented 2 years ago

Good news! This feature is now implemented and already being tested to see that everything works as expected.

There are only a few minor changes to the description above:

tiritibambix commented 2 years ago

Any release date for this feature ? :)

felixwiemuth commented 2 years ago

Probably within the next 2-3 weeks :)

tiritibambix commented 2 years ago

Probably within the next 2-3 weeks :)

Nice. Thanks :)

felixwiemuth commented 2 years ago

After a bit of testing and trying out different variants, I have made a small change regarding the mode switching behaviour described above, which results in a quite simple rule:

Any use of the "+/-" buttons or the calendar to select a date leads to "manual date" mode, except if one attempts to choose the current day, in which case one will always land in "next 24 hour" mode. This means that the actually selected date can be the next day ("+1"). However, also in that case the "next 24 hour" mode will allow to choose any valid time on the current day (i.e., the day one originally wanted to choose) by simply changing the time. That is, the workflow of choosing the current day (after having chosen another day first) with the "-" button or the calendar and then a time on the current day is supported.

felixwiemuth commented 2 years ago

Now version 0.9.10 is eventually released and this feature is available!

Please test and give feedback :)

yephny commented 2 years ago

It's great, I love it!