felixwiemuth / SimpleReminder

Efficient creation of simple reminders on Android.
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Suggestion: please make a video #23

Open eimat67 opened 2 years ago

eimat67 commented 2 years ago

Please record using the app in a video. If you post it to YouTube, I will watch, subscribe & share. The app is good, but not necessarily intuitive and the instructions cannot anticipate the users point of view or context. If I see someone use it, perhaps in a few example situations, it will be easier to apply.

Example 1) I must remember to return a call to a customer. Currently on a a call - snooze. Still on the call - snooze. Call is over.. next thing?? I start thinking maybe I will make a snack or... Alarm reminds me of call to customer who actually wants to pay me for something.

Example 2) Lots of work to do, lots of demands from coworkers, family and friends, but I must remember to take my meds, exercise, DRINK WATER, etc or I won't be able to to meet anyone's demands. Running google tasks and calendar and a water reminder app and Fabulous which has too many things and wants me to meditate and do a bunch of of additional stuff and read a bunch of stuff I don't have time for, and they're constantly asking me to pay for the premium version. And then there's Tiimo that a doctor wants me to use because it's supposed to be built specifically for "neurodivergent" people that has so many pretty little pictures to set up for each recurring task that each one takes an inordinate amount of time to put in place that I end up working on Tiimo more than my expletive job.

So a simple little app replaces all that chaos, notifies me with a sound/music/or even simple speech and words if I want, and maybe I can feel like I have a little bit of control over my life. :)

Templates could include reminders like: -breathe/meditate with a singing bowl sound that lasts for about 6 minutes. -drink a sip water (every hour) with the sound of a babbling brook -"Take a break, have a cup of tea, get out of the office. Maybe sit outside and get a little sun?" followed by 10 to 15 minutes of ambient music. -Thursday at 11:50 am "Call your friends & family during your lunch break or send sms/emails - what are they doing this weekend? Any plans? When shall we get together?" -Wednesday 6:30 pm call Mom/Dad/parental unit(s). -every night at 7:30 pm : call your kids. -monthly, maybe the 1st of each month : is it time for a haircut? Do you look like a professional? -Monday 5:30am :" Mondays can be difficult. Get up early and read or listen to something inspiring" accompanied by quiet birds chirping or other gentle nature sounds.

In the about section or in the welcome screen you could include "If you wanted to encourage your best friend to get something done because it was good for them, how would you say/do it? Would you blast them like an angry tyrannical boss or say, 'hey buddy, let's go for a walk"? You can choose to treat your inner employee badly or you can be it's best pal and mentor and be encouraging.

Maybe you could get together with someone who is already making YouTube videos or TikToks with encouraging messages who isn't selling anything, or does not have an alternate agenda.

By the way I am personally not employed for a couple of weeks. (Moved, awaiting new driver's license for Québec, background check, etc.)


felixwiemuth commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion of making a video.

I agree that - especially when the app will have more and advanced features - it will be important to clearly communicate to (potential) users what they can use the app for.

With the currently available features I am not so sure how useful it will be. All the use cases you describe should eventually be possible, but many aren't currently.

You mentioned that the app is not necessarily intuitive - do you mean the general purpose of the app is not clear (which could be explained by text, examples, screenshots or videos) or do you mean that some functionality is not intuitive to use? In the latter case, please start a thread in the discussions and explain in more detail what you find unintuitive. Then we can try to find ways to improve the functionality or explanation.

I guess what you list under Example 1) and 2) is a potential script for a video?

In any case, it would be nice if someone else could make this video, so that I can focus on development.

A note on templates: The main idea was that the user can create templates for their own frequently used reminders or reminder configurations instead of providing a set of specific pre-defined reminders. A preset of example templates is of course imaginable, but I am not sure whether it would be worth the additional work (there is also programming work). For now, with not so many available configurations for a reminder, it will be very quick to set up one's own templates.

A side note on the use cases you list: It should be considered whether one wants to promote an excessive usage of the app (e.g. when it comes to the point where the app tells one what to do). In the end everyone has to decide for themselves what is useful and healthy and what could potentially lead to an undesirable lifestyle, but in documentation and promotion one should be aware of it. This could also be a topic for the discussions.

Regarding your suggestion about including something in the "About" section or a welcome screen: Do you want the text you give to be shown to the user in certain contexts like when opening the app or in the "About" dialog, to promote a certain spirit of the app? I think I would rather keep it quite neutral, leaving it to the user how they want to use the app. However, a video could of course focus on a certain group of users or ways of using the app.