felixzapata / gulp-axe-webdriver

Gulp plugin for aXe utilizing WebDriverJS
MIT License
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Nothing new : updates dependencies #17

Open ryuran opened 6 years ago

ryuran commented 6 years ago

Update dependencies and reorganize code.

felixzapata commented 6 years ago

When I run some of the gulp tasks (for example gulp test or gulp release:minor) I obtain this error:

  gulpInst.start.apply(gulpInst, toRun);

TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined

My global version of Gulp is 3.9.1 and the local installed with the updates is 4.0.0. My node version is v9.5.0.

Do I need to update my global version of Gulp?

ryuran commented 6 years ago

@felixzapata with gulp@4 you should not have a global gulp installed. If you need the same behavior, install gulp-cli to your global. gulp-cli resolve you local gulp (3.9 or 4) it should work with your other projects even if it's gulp3.9

felixzapata commented 6 years ago

Inside the release task, the gulp.series with a callback at the end does not work ok

captura de pantalla 2018-07-11 a las 21 29 03

felixzapata commented 6 years ago

It is looks like more related with the code inside of the done function. The undefined is due to the chalk.red('error.message').

felixzapata commented 6 years ago

The task can finish ok if the function changes like this:

function done(done) {
  log(chalk.green('Release finished successfully'));

But I would like to keep the system to show if any error occur in a previous task.