fellchase / flumberboozle

Suite of programs meant to aid in bug hunting and security assessments
MIT License
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Error related to massdns binary #2

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

random@random-:~/flumberboozle/flumberbuckets$ python3 flumberbuckets.py -m '/home/random/massdns/bin/massdns' -w medium.txt -i dentrix

                   / _| |_   _ _ __ ___ | |__   ___ _ __| |__  _   _  ___| | _____| |_ ___                       
                  | |_| | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| '_ \| | | |/ __| |/ / _ \ __/ __|                      
                  |  _| | |_| | | | | | | |_) |  __/ |  | |_) | |_| | (__|   <  __/ |_\__ \                      
                  |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \___|_|  |_.__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\___|\__|___/                      

                  S3 Bucket Enumeration                                          @fellchase                      

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "flumberbuckets.py", line 168, in [q.put(x) for x in find_live_buckets()] File "flumberbuckets.py", line 149, in find_live_buckets output = subprocess.run("< {} {} | grep -v 's3-1-w.amazonaws.com' | grep -v directional | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sed 's/.s3.amazonaws.com.//'".format(potential_buckets_file, mdns_resolve), shell=True, capture_output=True) File "/usr/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 423, in run with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process: TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'capture_output'

Even tried supplying resolvers.txt file with this tag --resolve resolvers.txt .

fellchase commented 4 years ago


This error is faced by people using Python 3.6 because the parameter capture_output is not present in Python 3.6 but only in 3.8

I'll be changing code to fix this please destroy the cloned "flumberboozle" directory and then again run git clone command to clone the repository in a new fresh folder, massdns directory doesn't need to be deleted

fellchase commented 4 years ago

Code pushed. Issue Fixed. Happy New Year

ghost commented 4 years ago

Thank You ! It works fine now . Same to you