fellesverkstedet / fabricatable-machines

Motion systems for flexible digital fabrication and research. Easy to fabricate and customize. Documentation: https://github.com/fellesverkstedet/fabricatable-machines/wiki
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Soft reset, HRBL PCB problem? #34

Open hwalseng opened 4 years ago

hwalseng commented 4 years ago

I got a 'soft reset' alarm in UGS and i couldn't move the machine. The unlock button in UGS didn't solve anything. Neither did a reset of the arduino, or turning the power for the whole machine off and on.

hwalseng commented 4 years ago

Wiggling the HRBL card solved the problem. Probably samebug as in this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pn09c_3s9rNyox6e-3luZ04rpS2rWmSm/view?usp=drivesdk (GRBL throws soft resett alarm when the HRBL shield is tightened to much with screws to a structure, in my case)

Jaknil commented 4 years ago

I think the most likely culprit is that there is something wrong with the solder joints somewhere on the card. I suggest you swap it for a machine soldered card as soon as we get the connectors to avoid risks of intermittent electrical errors in the future. Impressive that you found how to trigger it!