Check examples/smart_minion/
you can try all different example, I just comment them out.
obs, score,*_ = await brain.step(query="what's the solution for game of 24 for 4 3 9 8")
obs, score,*_ = await brain.step(query="what's the solution for game of 24 for 2 5 11 8")
obs, score,*_ = await brain.step(query="solve x=1/(1-beta^2*x) where beta=0.85")
obs, score, *_ = await brain.step(
query="Write a 500000 characters novel named 'Reborn in Skyrim'. "
"Fill the empty nodes with your own ideas. Be creative! Use your own words!"
"I will tip you $100,000 if you write a good novel."
"since the novel is very long, you may need to divide into subtasks"
# obs, score, *_ = await brain.step(query=
# """
# 2024阿里巴巴全球数学竞赛
# 问题1
# 几位同学假期组成一个小组去某市旅游.该市有6座塔,它们的位置分别为A,B,C,D,B,F。
# 同学们自由行动一段时间后,每位同学都发现,自己在所在的位置只能看到位于A,B,C,D 处的四座塔,而看不到位于E 和F的塔。已知
# (1)同学们的位置和塔的位置均视为同一平面上的点,且这些点彼此不重合:
# (2) A,B,C,D,E,F中任意3点不共线:
# (3) 看不到塔的唯一可能就是视线被其它的塔所阻挡,例如,如果某位同学所在的位置P 和A,B 共线,且A 在线段PB上,那么该同学就看不到位于B 处的塔。
# 请问,这个旅游小组最多可能有多少名同学?
# (A)3 (B) 4 (C)6 (D) 12
# """)
Features Minion Design
Check examples/smart_minion/ you can try all different example, I just comment them out.
Depends on intercode
make sure container name intercode-python_ic_ctr is listenning on 3006, the PythonEnv seemed start the container, but can't map port