Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago
IMO this is a great book re in-depth details of C++11/14 language (note that it doesn't include the standard library). It's not an 'easy' read and is definitely not a 'teach C++' book - even for someone who knows C++98. I would consider it essential reading for any professional C++ programmer. Some of it's contents made me really think eg. why final is considered 'unsafe'.
Highly recommended.
"What other books about Modern C++ are worth reading?"
1) Scott Meyers - Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14
Note that there have been several 'erratas' issued since the publication. See
2) Stephan Roth - Clean C++20: Sustainable Software Development Patterns and Best Practices
3) Robert Seacord - Secure Coding in C and C++ 2nd Edition (only covers C++11)
4) Marc Gregoire - Professional C++ 5th Edition (covers C++20)
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Embracing Modern C++ Safely, Book Review - C++ Stories
C++11 has been around for around 11 years and C++14 for 8. From my experience, I see that even today, many companies struggle to use those standards in production in the most efficient way. As always, with new stuff came benefits, risks, and increased learning effort. Fortunately, with a new book written by top C++ Experts, we have a solid guide on what is safe and what might be problematic in Modern C++.