fenekku / moustachu

Mustache templating for Nim
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Trivial changes for Nim 0.20 #20

Closed JohnAD closed 4 years ago

JohnAD commented 4 years ago

These are both small changes.

The first change prevents the warning messages similar to:

moustachu-0.13.0/moustachupkg/context.nim(30, 17) Warning: Potential object case transition, instantiate new object instead [CaseTransition]

coming from the compiler. Essentially, the newer compiler does not like the direct manipulation of a kind element because of possible memory conflict. But in practice, the library should be fine without this fix since kind is consistently checked first.

The second change is adjusting how the test references it's own library. Using the config.nims method to adjust the search path is the recommended way in the nimble documentation.

fenekku commented 4 years ago

I was kind of waiting for 1.0 to get everything all proper. Thanks for that!