fenfisdi / cdslab_cmodels_api

cmodels API repo
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Schedule: sprint 20210422 - 20210430 #24

Open jearistiz opened 3 years ago

jearistiz commented 3 years ago

New Schedule

  1. 05/03 a. Update simulation configuration document model issue #39 b. Design and implement the db crud for simulation configurations Issue #12 (@jearistiz) c. Review, fix and accept PR linked to 7a (@davisfelipe @jearistiz) d. Complete all compartmental models' information issues #33 #42 (@nicolerivera1)

  2. 05/04 a. Review documentation written by @Shirley-Carcamo (@jearistiz) b. Implement endpoints: issues #19 #38 #40 #41 (@davisfelipe)

  3. 05/05 a. Design and implement the module of data output (@Camilo-HG) b. Design and implement the plotting module (@jearistiz @Camilo-HG) c. Consider the option of merging motor simulation and web api into one git repo using submodule. Also consider publishing cmodels simulation motor to PyPI (quick guide https://realpython.com/pypi-publish-python-package/)

  4. 05/06 a. Implement, format and deploy documentation using Sphinx and readthedocs (@nicolerivera1 @jearistiz) b. Deploy and test the api

Not yet scheduled

  1. Design, implement and merge the JWT validation protocol to endpoints (@davisfelipe)
  2. Design and implement the module of connection to the simulation motor (@jearistiz)

Old schedule

  1. 04/22-23 a. **DONE* Review, fix and accept PR #20 (@Anturion @jearistiz) b. DEFERRED 04/26 Implement first endpoint: #19 (@jearistiz @davisfelipe @Anturion) c. Review status of backend and edit this issue accordingly (@jearistiz @Camilo-HG) d. DONE ISSUE #25** Review document of output documents written by @nicolerivera1

  2. 04/24: a. DEFERRED Check and review PR associated with issue #19 (@davisfelipe @jearistiz) b. DEFERRED Design and implement the upload/download modules (@IanMejia @Camilo-HG) c. DEFERRED Design and implement the INS data acquisition module (@nicolerivera1) d. DONE PR #20 singleton connection to db

  3. 04/25: a. DONE ISSUE #11 PR #29 Design and implement the simulation configuration mongodb document model (@jearistiz) b. DEFERRED 05/03 Design and implement the db crud for simulation configurations (@davisfelipe @Camilo-HG) c. DONE PR #30 Docker container problems

  4. 04/26: a. DONE PR #29 Review, fix and accept PR linked to 3a (@davisfelipe @jearistiz) b. DEFERRED (not yet scheduled) Design, implement and merge the JWT validation protocol to endpoints (@davisfelipe) c. STILL IN PROCESS (05/04) Review the simulation motor source code (https://github.com/fenfisdi/cdslib_cmodels) and refactor appropriately in order to receive simulation configuration data from backend (see this issue, item 5b) and execute simulation (@jearistiz) d. DEFERRED (not yet scheduled) Design and implement the module of connection to the simulation motor (@jearistiz) e. DEFERRED 05/04 Implement first endpoint: #19 (@davisfelipe @Anturion) f. DEFERRED 05/03 Review, fix and accept PR linked to 3b (@davisfelipe @jearistiz) g. DONE (@jearistiz emailed it to @Camilo-HG ) Example of CSV document - plotting (@jearistiz)

  5. 04/27 a. DEFERRED 05/05 Design and implement the module of data output (@jearistiz) b. DEFERRED - SPLIT INTO VARIOUS ISSUES AFTER 05/02 Design, implement and merge the simulation configuration endpoint –data acquisition and appropriate document saved into database– (@jearistiz @davisfelipe) c. DEFERRED 05/05 Design the plotting module (@jearistiz @Camilo-HG) d. DEFERRED 05/05 Review documentation written by @Shirley-Carcamo

  6. 04/28: a. DEFERRED 05/05 Implement the plotting module b. DEFERRED 05/06 Implement and format documentation in Sphinx c. DEFERRED 05/05 Consider the option of merging motor simulation and web api into one git repo using submodule. Also consider publishing cmodels simulation motor to PyPI (quick guide https://realpython.com/pypi-publish-python-package/) d. DEFERRED 05/06 Deploy and test the api and documentation

Camilo-HG commented 3 years ago

@jearistiz please update this issue according to our advance.