fengdai / AlertDialogPro

[Deprecated] This project can make it easy to theme and custom Android's dialog. Also provides Holo and Material themes for old devices.
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Changing texts' typeface #61

Open bluemix opened 8 years ago

bluemix commented 8 years ago

I am wondering if there is a way to change the typefaces of all the texts that appear in the dialogs. Thanks in advance.

fengdai commented 8 years ago

For now, there isn't a simple API to approach this if the typeface you want to set isn't the android's built-in typeface.

But your can implement your own dialog layout (You can copy and modify based on this file: https://github.com/fengdai/AlertDialogPro/blob/master/alertdialogpro-theme-material/src/main/res/layout/adp_alert_dialog_material.xml). And replace all TextView/Button to CustomTextView/CustomButton which use your typeface (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29497464/best-way-to-assign-font-typeface-to-textview). Then apply the layout to AlertDialogPro with adpLayout attribute.

<item name="adpLayout">@layout/your_alert_dialog_layout</item>
bluemix commented 8 years ago

ah, I see now :+1: thanks a lot @fengdai for your quick reply.

fengdai commented 8 years ago

You're welcome.