fengju514 / Face-Pose-Net

Estimate 3D face pose (6DoF) or 11 parameters of 3x4 projection matrix by a Convolutional Neural Network
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Posevector Format and plotting #14

Closed ssundar6087 closed 6 years ago

ssundar6087 commented 6 years ago


I have a couple of quick questions reg the pose vector generated. Is my understanding of the code correct?

1) Pose vector is in the variable predRts

2) The vector has 3 Rotational and 3 translational parameters

3) The Rotation parameters are in radian and stored in the order Pitch (PredRts[0][0]) Yaw (PredRts[0][1]) and Roll (PredRts[0][2]) and the translation parameters are the remaining three in mm

4) Is there a utility function to plot the pose vectors generated on the input image (Superimpose the three axes on the image). If not, is there a utility script that exists somewhere which I can leverage? I want to visualize the results to check my understanding of the code.


fengju514 commented 6 years ago

The first three are correct!

For question 4. you can refer to the following link: https://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/d7/d53/tutorial_py_pose.html

ssundar6087 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for confirming!