Hi, Thank you for sharing your code. However, I countered a problem when I tried to run one of your command line on the github. When I run this command " python test_model.py --inc_ckpt ~/workspace/ckpt/inception_v4.ckpt\
--data_dir ~/dataset/mscoco/all_images --job_dir saving/model.ckpt-20000", it returns following error; ValueError: The passed save_path is not a valid checkpoint: saving/model.ckpt-20000. Moreover, I used your saving file in Gdrive, however there is no model.ckpt-2000, there are files like model.ckpt-2000.index and model.ckpt-2000.meta. How can I run test model using pretrained model ?
Hi, Thank you for sharing your code. However, I countered a problem when I tried to run one of your command line on the github. When I run this command " python test_model.py --inc_ckpt ~/workspace/ckpt/inception_v4.ckpt\ --data_dir ~/dataset/mscoco/all_images --job_dir saving/model.ckpt-20000", it returns following error; ValueError: The passed save_path is not a valid checkpoint: saving/model.ckpt-20000. Moreover, I used your saving file in Gdrive, however there is no model.ckpt-2000, there are files like model.ckpt-2000.index and model.ckpt-2000.meta. How can I run test model using pretrained model ?